New Member
Maybe it was a wrap for the Japanese adult video industry......

Maybe it was a wrap for the Japanese adult video industry......
Interestingly a good long time customer just brought us two new Transits to wrap today. He said he needed an extra copy of the invoice because Ford was giving him a $500 credit per van for graphics.
I'll gladly welcome Oracal or Avery (yeah I said it!!) reps in my shop.....but everyone else can stay outside for all I care.
I guess I was just getting in the graphics business when Avery had their problems. I missed all the reasons not to use them. I have used many of their products since I have been in the decision making position at my current company. I love 1005sc with the 1460 laminate for wraps mainly since I have to do all installs 95% by myself in a semi climate controlled area. We also use a lot of the matte 2923ez for everyday stuff. I got a sample of the Oracal 3751 and 290 and am looking forward to trying it out. The first wrap I ever did was with 3551ra. It is still holding up good today (3 years later) and the customer brags about it all the time. It was a real pain to install though because of how tacky it was. I even thought that the 180 c and cv3 were a little to tacky. I started using Avery 1005sc after my first SGIA show 2 years ago in Vegas. I did hear rumor the other day that 3m had proposed to buy Avery. That would be a reason I would stop using them now, but until then it works for me.
can you start maybe a poll on another thread or if you can this one, just to see numbers on how many people are really effected or feel threatened by 3M? Might be interesting to see since this thread is getting so much attention. Keep it closed though so people are not intimidated to vote in the poll.
something like:
I will still continue to use 3M for everything. I love them!
I intend to limit my purchasing with 3M products and will look at other manufacturers.
I am banning 3M period from my machines and dropping them like a bad habit.
whose 3M?.... never heard of them till now,and i will not do business with them either.
i dunno... but something to that effect, maybe worded different or different options
I've learned a few things.. Oracal 3751 Is far superior in overall quality. It has a better tack, prints cleaner... the vinyl is actually white.. not a yellow'd white like 3M. Their Lam looks like glass. It requires no primer.. Where you put it, it stays. Their reps actually CARE about their customers. They call, check up, and respect us. 3M is beyond disrespectful in many ways. They don't honor their warranty, and their warranty is just overall garbage. Oh yeah, Oracal is cheaper too.
Always one to give credit where credit is due; it looks as if 3M has developed product to ease our frustrations a bit. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=...pgN4zSsLCAY85Umiw&sig2=v902yvJTscwSjJy4Bl2ggw
We also use a lot of the matte 2923ez for everyday stuff.
why is this not in my fellers catalog?
Just wanted to put in my 2 cents...
We don't do wraps, but we do vehicle graphics. Never had an issue with 3M, we usually just bought whatever is the best value since almost all of our graphics are short term installs (6-12 months, maximum).
From reading this thread and doing some due diligence, I am now responding to all of my suppliers weekly sales offer emails with something similar to the following:
"Thanks for this email, but I am not interested in any of the deals enclosed because you are also marketing 3M products in this offer. In the future, I will be happy to look at any weekly sales you're offering if you remove 3M products from your offers."
I also will cc the OriginalWraps email address on there to let them know that even though we don't do much vinyl, we're still watching what they're doing.
The thing is, we've had 3 local fleet companies contact us in the past 2 months about doing their work, so even in a heavy competition market like Chicagoland, there's still plenty of work to go around. I'm letting those companies know that we'd love to do some sample installs, as long as they don't require 3M products.
I'll also QFT the people in earlier posts who said they avoided 3M non-vinyl products at the store. I did the same thing this week: 3M Scotch tape? Switched to generic. Packing tape for shipments? Switched to Duck brand. 3M air filters for our climate controlled rooms? Switched there, too.
It's absolutely crazy how many 3M products we use in-house (and at my homes), but it isn't that hard to make a change.
Maybe it'll just be $50,000 a year gross supply purchases that we will switch from 3M, but that's something.
I also agree that 3M is just doing what companies do: trying to make a bigger profit. I'm OK with it, that's capitalism and I'm a big proponent of competition. I have to protect my profits, too, so I'm not actually calling it a boycott, I'm just protecting my income.