Very Active Signmaker
Kentucky Signs is right, SEO is becoming more and more important these days. Why not something like Florida Sign Corp., or Okeechobee Wraps Co. something that's regional, recognizable, some thing people can relate to. I know the urge to create a stylized name and aggressive trendy logo is cool and all but think long term and look at your demo graphic.
Everglade Warp Co.
Gulf Coat Sign
Get R' Done Wraps
Coast to Coast Graphics
In a major city this is extremely difficult. I wanted Texas Signs..NO, Fort Worth Signs..NO Cowtown, Cowboy, heck even my very unique chinese sounding last name was taken by a sign company in GA. Had to settle on splitting the name of a grocery store and a street just to get it unique enough to register a domain name. Everyone already thought of everything..lol