And if or when it fails they will offer to reimburse you $8-$10 an hour for rate right? LOL
No more than I would expect it from any other product I buy in my life. Not just including "art" supplies. Buying products is a risk. When your new car breaks down they don't pay you for lost wages not being able to get to work do they? Nope. I can also tell you that HUGE manufacturing companies like Winnebago have used Avery Dennison products for years. My personal knowledge is from well over 20 years ago as my father was in charge of the paint/vinyl line there. When I got into the skinz business I asked him about them as a company and he assured me every product has issues. 3m as well. The thing that has never been brought up is where did people buy the stock from? Was it fresh or did it sit in some warehouse for years?
This crap is like watching the Presidental debate. Nothing will change. I am just in the mood to debate I guess. I will drop it. Back to creating art instead of arguing over this again. Sorry.