St. Judes checked the defibrillator this week... all is okay - not great but he is doing good. He still has a lot of chest pains but part of that could be from the healing process - either way he keeps the nitro spray close at hand. We'll find out in a couple weeks if they can crank that baby up a little more... just depends on how much chest pain he keeps having.
He still has limited mobility on the left hand side and some lifting restrictions for about 4 more weeks. Can't drive until then, but the doctor indicated he would allow him to after that... a big relief for Jeff because he HATES me chauffeuring him everywhere... I just tell him to shut up and enjoy the ride

and don't mind those blue lights behind us
I think we've moved from the one step forward - two steps back into a two steps forward - one step back phase. At least for now. Thanks again for all the warm wishes to both us. I do pass them on and they are much appreciated.