stacy, i dont understand why they are giving him a chemically induced stress test this soon after the surgery. being in the same ballpark, we are different people but getting back to being who and what he believes as NORMAL....AINT GONA HAPPEN IN 2-3 MONTHS!!!! iam speaking from experience. after my bypass i felt great, but trying to get back to being my "normal" 3 months, i wound up with a massive heart attack and died!!!!
doctors said after the by pass...6 MONTHS to heal. well, iam so tuff i figured 3 would enough!!!!! so now, i have completed month 4 after the heart attack, as of yesterday, AND I WILL GIVE IT 2-4 MORE MONTHS before i can think of me as "normal." i have been told i will never be who i was dec 2010. body has taken a hit that will probalbly take the rest of my life to recoupe from. if you remember, 6 days after i had the heart attack, the doctors and hospital was telling hennie to make my funeral arrangements!!!!! sometimes they dont know all. tell him to not give up, but to not expect to be 100% of who he was. iam having a hard time with that. i want to be the "badass" at 66 that i was at 30.......aint gona happen. he will get better.........but it will take more then 3 months.