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US Tariffs, Sigh!


New Member
The crossings we're talking about don't take place at the regular places like between Detroit and Windsor. They're making those more onerous but it's not where the illegal crossings happen. Apparently it's up in the northwoods of Maine and Vermont or something.
Illegal crossings happen at the controlled border as well - used to be the main way to come in as it was easier than trying to hike through the boonies.... for the vast majority of our 224 year history, the USA borders have been much more open than they have been for the past few decades.... the majority of our presidents presided over very open borders compared to today.

Johnny Best

Active Member
What bothers me is the French Canadians with their bigcars or trucks towing their mobile homes. Then when they stop at a rest area they get out with their overweight wives and clog up the food lines talking with their other buddies and fat wives from Canada. If it is so great in Canada, stay there and do not bother me.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
Are you sure?...........under Carter, Reagan, and Clinton I could cross Northern or Southern borders using only a state id or driver license... I even came back into USA using a HS school id when I was 15 (and driving a rental car that was rented to someone I was not related to nor were they in the car!)

I haven't heard anyone having it this easy in many years.
Yes, I'm sure. The southern border was open like a seive. I don't know much about the Canadian border. I'm closer to the southern border. I also know that there's never really been much of a problem with our border with Canadians because it's not a trade route. I did see on the news that Trudeau is fortifying the border. So that's why I asked. But looking at the handgun homicides, it looks like the northern border was never a problem.

I'm not sure what having a state id or drivers license has to do with your comment. Its the same for every american. The problem isn't at the ports of entry....


New Member
Yes, I'm sure. The southern border was open like a seive. I don't know much about the Canadian border. I'm closer to the southern border. I also know that there's never really been much of a problem with our border with Canadians because it's not a trade route. I did see on the news that Trudeau is fortifying the border. So that's why I asked. But looking at the handgun homicides, it looks like the northern border was never a problem.

I'm not sure what having a state id or drivers license has to do with your comment. Its the same for every american. The problem isn't at the ports of entry....
pretty much from 1776 until 1875 immigration was completely open - not just a sieve, but totally open - no enforcement. Then incredibly mild restrictions until the Immigration act of 1924 - but still basically open when compared to anything today. just looking at the timeline, there were more administrations before the border restrictions than after - making the original statement incorrect.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
pretty much from 1776 until 1875 immigration was completely open - not just a sieve, but totally open - no enforcement. Then incredibly mild restrictions until the Immigration act of 1924 - but still basically open when compared to anything today. just looking at the timeline, there were more administrations before the border restrictions than after - making the original statement incorrect.
200 years ago was when the country was getting started. that doesn't count.


Active Member
I wonder how many people get killed in car accidents from cars that came across the border?
Not really a good comparison, guns are heavily controlled in Canada. And just because they're not in America....we respect eachothers laws...right? It's very rare to see a gun in Canada unless its on a police officer, or if you're in someones private residence... So having thousands of guns be smuggled in is pretty bad for us. Legit people who want a handgun can get one through official means by taking a course and applying for a license.... We're much more restricted, but pretty much anyone can get a gun if they'll jump through the hoops... So all the guns crossing the border arent going to the average Canadian...theyre going right to criminals.

I'm all for beefing up the border to prevent illegal stuff. I miss the days when I could just cross with a license. I dont know if indians reallly cross into USA from Canada.... We have A LOT of TFW's here, which we shouldn't....so I wouldn't be surprised if they did... but I dont get why them crossing into USA is on Canada to police?

If someone brought a truck of guns and was going to cross into Canada... they don't go through the US border inspection, they go through the Canada border inspection... It's on OUR guys to catch them - So how can we stop illegals... or even fentanyl from crossing into USA? We do what we can to keep them out of our borders, but if they sneak in, which they do... I dont see how Canada can prevent them from getting into US. Thats why I think this whole thing is funny... Not only does a lot more bad stuff come into Canada from USA than the other way around... but It should be on each country to Secure their own borders. The billions of dollars we're spending on helicopters and crap would be better spent on tracking immigration / kicking people without valid visas out of our country, before they can try to cross into your Country... etc, etc. Most drugs come from the port....Most fentanyl from China... Beef up the port security... We're more likelly to be able to prevent drugs from getting into USA, by preventing it from getting into Canada.
Last edited:


Active Member
It's not Canadians crossing the border. It's Indians (not native Americans).

There were 20kg of fentanyl seized by the Canadian and American authorities at the border. One kilogram of fentanyl has the potential to kill 500,000 people. If they seized 20kg, how much actually got across?
Fentanyl is deadly and scary, and even 1 gram getting past the border is too much. But in a 3 month period USA seized 4,500 lbs... Thats just seized. And 99% of it came from Mexico... which came from China.

Is there more than 20KG of fentanyl smugled across canada? Probably.... but We still probably make up for .5-1% of fentanyl in USA. I bet you more drugs enter Canada from USA than vice versa!

Our premiers / politicians suck just as much as yours. All this PC "People who are on drugs are victims and they should have access to safe drugs" Bull shit so drugs can become legal is nonsense. There should be stricter laws on drugs... Forced rehab / jailtime, kick the habit for people - Attacking the source is a game of whack a mole... I bet you if you guys fully sealed the Mexican border and stopped the 5000 LBs of fentanyl from crossing the border... The dealers would find another route to get it in. It's too much of a lucrative business for them.

Stacey K

I like making signs
I've seen several posts from friends who own land in Northern Wisconsin where they have photos of illegals walking on their trail cams. Northern Wisconsin is mostly wooded and a lot of people own land that they only use for hunting and it's vacant most of the year. Some cabins have been broken into and items missing. Most of the people "up Nort" have multiple trail cams to track deer, not really for security.

Not sure how they are getting into Canada from other countries...


Active Member
My question wasn't geared around a republican/democrat issue. My question was geared toward the borders being open during the biden admin. They were open moreso under his presidency than ANY other president EVER.
I dont think the borders were more open... I think Biden just allowed anyone who wanted to, to cross in caravans and claim refugee status.

Look at all the laws you guys have about immigration... the "Dreamers" Didn't Obama pass that? How it makes sense that just because you enter the country as a minor, you automatically get granted residency and a path to be a permanent resident, I'll never understand... I get it, it sucks to live in some countrys, and living in america is the "Dream", but it should be done through proper channels, and not just given to people because of a law. If you ask me, that's a lot more open / reckless than what Biden did.... A lot of previous presidents have made bad choices, I didn't like Biden... but I think he just inherited a problem.


Active Member
I've seen several posts from friends who own land in Northern Wisconsin where they have photos of illegals walking on their trail cams. Northern Wisconsin is mostly wooded and a lot of people own land that they only use for hunting and it's vacant most of the year. Some cabins have been broken into and items missing. Most of the people "up Nort" have multiple trail cams to track deer, not really for security.

Not sure how they are getting into Canada from other countries...
If it's east indians... google TFW. We allow pretty much anyone to come into the country for "temporary foreign work" To do jobs no one wants to do... We have close to a million of them right now, and our government is finally realizing its a problem, and vowed not to renew their TFW permits... So they have no legal status, and apparently we have no way to track whether they leave the country or not... I'm sure some are going home, some are sticking around Canada illegally...some are crossing into USA illegally... it's a shit show, and one reason why our prime minister pretty much had to resign.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
I dont think the borders were more open... I think Biden just allowed anyone who wanted to, to cross in caravans and claim refugee status.

Look at all the laws you guys have about immigration... the "Dreamers" Didn't Obama pass that? How it makes sense that just because you enter the country as a minor, you automatically get granted residency and a path to be a permanent resident, I'll never understand... I get it, it sucks to live in some countrys, and living in america is the "Dream", but it should be done through proper channels, and not just given to people because of a law. If you ask me, that's a lot more open / reckless than what Biden did.... A lot of previous presidents have made bad choices, I didn't like Biden... but I think he just inherited a problem.
I agree. he was obamas vp and hes the most corrupt politician I think we've ever had in office. Obama was no saint. I was a teacher during those "dreamer" years and I was teaching those "dreamers". but my students weren't dreaming about the freedoms of america. they took it for granted.

Hopefully, trump will restore order to some of this craziness.


New Member
Maybe we should change the plaque on the Statue of Liberty - "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." does not seem to match the majority view anymore.....


Quit buggin' me
Maybe we should change the plaque on the Statue of Liberty - "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore." does not seem to match the majority view anymore.....
The world has changed since 1903. They must change it soon to keep up with the times anyway. Remove the original English and replace it with the new message in Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese

Bobby H

Arial Sucks.
Regarding Fentanyl, a bunch of that stuff arrives in the US via the mail. The same goes for lots of pills. Customs can't search every semi truck crossing the US or Canadian border.

The USPS was going to block any mail shipments originating in China, but apparently backed off from doing so.

Responses to some comments from a couple or more pages back:

Geneva Olson said:
The ones hes gathering up now are the ones the other countries released out of prison and sent over here.

Some of the illegals being arrested are indeed criminals. They're even arresting gang members who've committed violent crimes. But if they've committed serious crimes why are they just getting deported rather than thrown in prison? Deportation sounds like a get out of jail free card. And they'll probably sneak back into the US sometime later.

The INS is also arresting any other illegals conveniently within reach. Still, I notice they're concentrating their efforts in blue states and big cities. More TV cameras are there.

RachelKelly said:
Yea and all that cheep chinizium is literally trash collecting in the landfills two years later. Clothing doesn't last as long, Home appliances last the two year mark, Engine components on cars start going out right after the manufacture's warranty.

Getting stuff cheap from China is definitely a big part of the problem. Another part is our big business ethic of selling product with a shorter life span. It's this private equity mindset. Squeeze everything for short term gain and invest as little as possible in the product itself. Notice how the past few "upgrades" of CorelDRAW have hardly been upgrades at all? I'm sure the private equity bosses have as few developers as possible maintaining the app. It wouldn't surprise me if they were farming all the coding work out India or some other place.

Stacey K said:
I guess the young people will have to start filling the manual labor jobs just like they did years back!

With the direction where we're headed it won't be all that much longer before we have a shortage of young, working age adults.

Geneva Olson said:
You act as if americans can't work in fields.

The trick is whether the employees are on the books or paid under the table.

Americans are typically hired visible on the radar scope, with the employers paying things like workers comp insurance premiums. Even for minimum wage workers. Foreign born migrants are an exploited, shadow labor force.

unclebun said:
It's more than that. China's designs around the world are not just economic, though economic power is going to make it into no contest when they decide to exercise the strategic advantage they have amassed from their economic activity around the world.

China is in deep trouble. Their demographics situation is far worse than that in the US. Our "baby bust" here has only just begun. Theirs has been going on for some time. Some of what they're doing is out of desperation, like their growing involvement in Africa. Pretty soon that continent will have the majority of the world's youth (and fighting age manpower). China is trying to colonize those areas while their own home is falling apart.

John Miller

New Member
Do you honestly believe that the sending the illegals home is going to cause us to have an american base worker problem?

The ones hes gathering up now are the ones the other countries released out of prison and sent over here.
You can't really believe that Geneva, you're smarter than that. Snopes that yarn, you'll find it to be false


New Member
I know you're upset. But I'm not sure why. Trump is cleaning up a mess he inherited. Aren't you in California? I can tell you I see more California license plates here in Texas because people are fleeing california in droves.
China has cheap crap. That's what my problem is with them. Lets make some good stuff here. Do you remember when we had american made products?
I am not upset..... and I remember the us made products; its the way the way things are being done, if things are done in the US, great, but it will cost more, more money, in here, you pay for labor, (of course), insurance, workers com, high gas price and some other costs and who will pay for it? we will pay the increase in the price, I am not in favor of China, just thigs from there are more affordable.

A company that we used to make some signs, having about 80 employees, now it has about 12, they sold all the equipment and they still makes signs, but they send them overseas to be done, they come in about a week and they make more money now, I was told the profits are about 65%.


Active Member
Trumps idea is great! Have everything manufactured in the USA and then sell it to Americans and people overseas. Don't rely on having to buy in from other countries so tariff it. No more of those nasty foreign cars or phones or TVs !
I can't wait to see how America is going to produce the 140 million iphones sold there every year. All parts made in the USA in the massive Apple factories there full of skilled employees.. And when Americans have to pay $10,000 for their new phone now it isn't made in China cheaply anymore, I wonder how happy they will be they voted Trump :D