Regarding Fentanyl, a bunch of that stuff arrives in the US via the mail. The same goes for lots of pills. Customs can't search every semi truck crossing the US or Canadian border.
The USPS was going to block any mail shipments originating in China, but apparently backed off from doing so.
Responses to some comments from a couple or more pages back:
Geneva Olson said:
The ones hes gathering up now are the ones the other countries released out of prison and sent over here.
Some of the illegals being arrested are indeed criminals. They're even arresting gang members who've committed violent crimes. But if they've committed serious crimes why are they just getting deported rather than thrown in prison? Deportation sounds like a
get out of jail free card. And they'll probably sneak back into the US sometime later.
The INS is also arresting any other illegals conveniently within reach. Still, I notice they're concentrating their efforts in
blue states and big cities. More TV cameras are there.
RachelKelly said:
Yea and all that cheep chinizium is literally trash collecting in the landfills two years later. Clothing doesn't last as long, Home appliances last the two year mark, Engine components on cars start going out right after the manufacture's warranty.
Getting stuff cheap from China is definitely a big part of the problem. Another part is our
big business ethic of selling product with a shorter life span. It's this private equity mindset. Squeeze everything for short term gain and invest as little as possible in the product itself. Notice how the past few "upgrades" of CorelDRAW have hardly been upgrades at all? I'm sure the private equity bosses have as few developers as possible maintaining the app. It wouldn't surprise me if they were farming all the coding work out India or some other place.
Stacey K said:
I guess the young people will have to start filling the manual labor jobs just like they did years back!
With the direction where we're headed it won't be all that much longer before we have a shortage of young, working age adults.
Geneva Olson said:
You act as if americans can't work in fields.
The trick is whether the employees are on the books or paid under the table.
Americans are typically hired visible on the radar scope, with the employers paying things like workers comp insurance premiums. Even for minimum wage workers. Foreign born migrants are an exploited, shadow labor force.
unclebun said:
It's more than that. China's designs around the world are not just economic, though economic power is going to make it into no contest when they decide to exercise the strategic advantage they have amassed from their economic activity around the world.
China is in deep trouble. Their demographics situation is far worse than that in the US. Our "baby bust" here has only just begun. Theirs has been going on for some time. Some of what they're doing is out of desperation, like their growing involvement in Africa. Pretty soon that continent will have the majority of the world's youth (and fighting age manpower). China is trying to colonize those areas while their own home is falling apart.