I wonder how many people get killed in car accidents from cars that came across the border?
Not really a good comparison, guns are heavily controlled in Canada. And just because they're not in America....we respect eachothers laws...right? It's very rare to see a gun in Canada unless its on a police officer, or if you're in someones private residence... So having thousands of guns be smuggled in is pretty bad for us. Legit people who want a handgun can get one through official means by taking a course and applying for a license.... We're much more restricted, but pretty much anyone can get a gun if they'll jump through the hoops... So all the guns crossing the border arent going to the average Canadian...theyre going right to criminals.
I'm all for beefing up the border to prevent illegal stuff. I miss the days when I could just cross with a license. I dont know if indians reallly cross into USA from Canada.... We have A LOT of TFW's here, which we shouldn't....so I wouldn't be surprised if they did... but I dont get why them crossing into USA is on Canada to police?
If someone brought a truck of guns and was going to cross into Canada... they don't go through the US border inspection, they go through the Canada border inspection... It's on OUR guys to catch them - So how can we stop illegals... or even fentanyl from crossing into USA? We do what we can to keep them out of our borders, but if they sneak in, which they do... I dont see how Canada can prevent them from getting into US. Thats why I think this whole thing is funny... Not only does a lot more bad stuff come into Canada from USA than the other way around... but It should be on each country to Secure their own borders. The billions of dollars we're spending on helicopters and crap would be better spent on tracking immigration / kicking people without valid visas out of our country, before they can try to cross into your Country... etc, etc. Most drugs come from the port....Most fentanyl from China... Beef up the port security... We're more likelly to be able to prevent drugs from getting into USA, by preventing it from getting into Canada.