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Use of trademarked logos

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New Member
Was just wondering, since i can't find any info on google. I already started to print sled wraps for customers and few of them asked if they can have Monster/Rockstar logos etc. 9/10 sled wrap online places offer these logos but they do charge to add them on. Is it even possible to use logos like that? For me i would not charge to add them to wrap, but not sure if its legal.
Any advice?

J Hill Designs

New Member
If you have to ask....the answer is usually no. People pay big money to be licensed and able to use that.

When in doubt, contact the copyright holder :thumb:


Active Member
Was just wondering, since i can't find any info on google. I already started to print sled wraps for customers and few of them asked if they can have Monster/Rockstar logos etc. 9/10 sled wrap online places offer these logos but they do charge to add them on. Is it even possible to use logos like that? For me i would not charge to add them to wrap, but not sure if its legal.
Any advice?

The general rule of thumb, no. Unless they are somehow affiliated with these companies, in which case they will have access to all the approved artwork they need.


New Member
I actually tried to contact Monster, but they don't even reply lol, which is not surprising. Its not something i wanna do anyways, just would like to know for sure to explain people why i can't print them.

P.S. For some reason i am 99% sure that all these crappy sites with sled wraps who offer to add logos for 25-40 dollars do not have licensed agreement with anyone lol


Active Member
I actually tried to contact Monster, but they don't even reply lol, which is not surprising. Its not something i wanna do anyways, just would like to know for sure to explain people why i can't print them.

P.S. For some reason i am 99% sure that all these crappy sites with sled wraps who offer to add logos for 25-40 dollars do not have licensed agreement with anyone lol

No Im willing to bet they don't. Companies like Monster etc. are very very protective of their copyright, I don't think they would approve of putting their logo on a design without approving the design as a whole first, or else you could put the Monster on a wrap with a bunch of Hello Kitty stuff, not the look they are after.


New Member
Yeah. I will just stay away from it. Never was doing any illegal crap and in this case its not even worth it lol


New Member
We've contacted Monster for a one time use permission / license fee, and were informed politely that they have "one" licensed graphics company already and to have a good day.

Andy D

Active Member
On a side note, did you know many people think the "Montser" is the Devil?
and the claw marks are actually 666 in Hebrew? I thought it was interesting,
anyways, carry on with stealing of logos thread..



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On a side note, did you know many people think the "Montser" is the Devil?
and the claw marks are actually 666 in Hebrew? I thought it was interesting,
anyways, carry on with stealing of logos thread..


If you follow that crazy lady she goes alot deeper then that. Even attacking the owners of the company. Interesting but crazy.


New Member
We always ask for hard copy, written permission, or a direct email from the company with authorized permission to print-for-sale. We have actually had people forward emails from companies and alter the original email stating it was OK, when in actuality it was not.
We put the onus on the customer to prove permission, b/c if they really do, it's never a problem for them to get that to us quickly. And they 99% of the time understand and appreciate the diligence.


New Member
We've contacted Monster for a one time use permission / license fee, and were informed politely that they have "one" licensed graphics company already and to have a good day.

They are VERY protective and I can't even get our Coke rep to help, but they are more than happy to print their own crappy signs in place of what I can do.


Yup they are very protective of their marks and their use. Especially now that Monster is part of Coca-Cola. Getting access to monsterenergymedia, KO Adland, DMeX, Multiad Kwikee, KO Ad Machine, etc from Coca-Cola is not easy....

The Coca-Cola "brand guidelines" manual is the largest I've seen. A massive 329 pages! The Monster one is only 30 pages. We have access to all of it and I can tell you without hesitation that those places offering to add the Monster logo to sled wraps are doing so illegally. We have been doing a ton of convenience stores interior graphics. Essentially every layout we setup has to go through an approval process to make sure that all of the lockups, spacing, interactions, etc are all within the guidelines for each brand.


New Member
Thanks guys. Now i see that i was right that did not want to print them before & not printing them now.

P.S. I won't even try getting a license from them, since it would be unreal for such a small shop like mine.

Andy D

Active Member
What typically happens when a company like Coke or Disney goes after
someone in this type of situation, where the print shop isn't mass producing
the logo but uses it in one or two print jobs for a non-business?

Do they go after the print shop or the customer? And worst case, is there a hefty fine
or do they only make them remove the logo?


New Member
it depends on the COMPANY LOGO you have produced ILLEGALLY))))
most AUTOMOTIVE companies and products.......are pretty lax about coming after ya. cant tell how many FORD scripts, chevy bow ties, pontiac indians, etc. i have painted/cut vinyl for, GOODYEAR, HOOSIER, FIRESTONE......on stock cars........
some will give you a WARNING.........to not do that anymore.....some will hit you with a legal fine, OTHERS like HARLEY, DISNEY, HANNA BARBRA, WARNER BROS.
EX. few years ago........a sign broker comes to me, wants a couple signs for a new clothing store. ok.........WELLLLLL now he hands me an EASY RIDER mag..........says he wants the same lettering on the sign also with the logo. since iam not in touch with the client, i start on it. come to find out the font for easy rider is not a font per say .........so i have to scan the mag cover, do a projection at nite and trace out the letters....AFTER I CALLED EASY RIDER...and asked them what the name of the font was for the mag header))))..... and was told TO STOP whatever i was doing as the people who was wanting the sign hadnt gotten leagal authorization to use logo or open a store. i painted em anyway....got paid......never seen the signs go up anywhere)))


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New Member
don't get me started on this crap. There are so many sign shops around here doing this crap. The worst is corn hole board graphics. Illegal as hell.... Ohio State, Browns, you name it....

I guess when someone loses their entire lively hood people will take notice.


New Member
I DIDNT STUTTER..........YES...... they will take everything....and still FINE YOU......and like i said HARLEY, DISNEY, HANNA BARBARA, WARNER BROS.......you may get jail time. they dont play..........
and if you look at my aviatar........i got STEELER's LOGOS, & TEXT.. in their font......on my truck...........


New Member
First, I don't reproduce trademarks or copyrighted work. However, if I did, and a representative from one of those companies came into my shop to take my equipment, they would not be leaving with it.

That's not how the real world works.

And, there is no such protection as 'oh, I didn't get paid for it'. According to you, the Steelers can come take your truck, today.


New Member
They do not simply walk into your shop and carry off your stuff. The give you a bill and you have to pay it. You wind up selling your stuff to pay the bill.

Or you get to read a warrant that says they can pick up all your stuff in the booth at the fair. You sit there while they load it all up.

Do not think so? Tell that to the cnc guy selling harley shields at the fair who had to give up all his stuff. And get left with a poison pen letter..

If anyone cares to find out for themselves.. Go read some professional legal publications and see the ads offering ransoms of about $1500 bux for information leading to a copy right complaint..
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