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VENT - Things that annoy you in the print industry.


Here's a thread that you can post your thoughts of that's currently Pi$$ing you off.

Got something to vent about in the print industry?
Something that annoys you in this industry?
Something that happened today at work that annoyed you?

Yep, Vent it here.

Just keep it on topic.


I'll kick it off.

I absolutely hate it when people put crop marks and colour bars on their files. Mostly happens for signs.

If i need crop marks, i'll do them myself... properly.
If i need a bleed, I'll either ask for one or do it myself. depending on the file.

We only do flat bed printing, and our clients know this. most things are pre cut before it goes on the machine.


New Member
I hate when other sign shops try to throw their BS knowledge in your face. Also I hate when other sign shops try to cutthroat your shop.

You aren't better than me, I am not better than you, we have different markets, customers, equipment, etc.
Cutthroat as in talking bad about your shop to your own customers, undercutting your prices, stealing ideas or designs, etc.


Premium Subscriber
I can't stand/tolerate crybabies, liars and cheats. People who can't do a blessed thing on their own.

That pretty much covers it all. Hissyfit name calling is just part of the fun. :toasting:


Sign & Graphics Business Consultant
I'll kick it off.

I absolutely hate it when people put crop marks and colour bars on their files. Mostly happens for signs.

If i need crop marks, i'll do them myself... properly.
If i need a bleed, I'll either ask for one or do it myself. depending on the file.

We only do flat bed printing, and our clients know this. most things are pre cut before it goes on the machine.

AMEN!!! And let's just toss my disdain for InDesign files in the mix as well. :banghead:


New Member
What is annoyed?

Nothing annoys me.Gave up being annoyed along time ago.Never cared for it.
Somebody once said "people can only annoy you if you give them permission to"

Un-educated customers,files that don't work for you etc. goes with the turf.
Welcome to the real world.Smile,suck it up and roll with the punches and you won't be annoyed.

People who are easily annoyed annoy me though.


Not a newbie
I'm in the business for more than 15 years now and got my own shop (full time) for 6 years now. My wife is working with me full time for 3 years now.

My friends and family still think it's a hobby job... :banghead:


I'm in the business for more than 15 years now and got my own shop (full time) for 6 years now. My wife is working with me full time for 3 years now.

My friends and family still think it's a hobby job... :banghead:

Everyone thinks i just load the printer and press print.


Premium Subscriber
Nothing annoys me.Gave up being annoyed along time ago.Never cared for it.
Somebody once said "people can only annoy you if you give them permission to"

Un-educated customers,files that don't work for you etc. goes with the turf.
Welcome to the real world.Smile,suck it up and roll with the punches and you won't be annoyed

People who are easily annoyed annoy me though.

Hahahaaaa.... then you DO get annoyed, cause that statement includes about 98.4% of the population in this place. :ROFLMAO:


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Hahahaaaa.... then you DO get annoyed, cause that statement includes about 98.4% of the population in this place. :ROFLMAO:

Subtlety seems lost on you. The original statement was pretty much a paraphrase of Tom Lehrer's "I'm sure we all agree that we ought to love one another and I know there are people in the world that do not love their fellow human beings and I hate people like that."


Premium Subscriber
Subtlety seems lost on you. The original statement was pretty much a paraphrase of Tom Lehrer's "I'm sure we all agree that we ought to love one another and I know there are people in the world that do not love their fellow human beings and I hate people like that."

Perhaps..... and only perhaps, the subtleness of my statement, using 'Z' as my straightman and furthering the statement was higher than the pigeons fly in your mountains. Just perhaps...........


New Member
Everyone thinks i just load the printer and press print.

Indeed. That thought at least goes back to my college days in the mid 1970s, when studying hand lettering, my aunt said "don't you just push a button?" Yeah, I was not what I call a happy camper on that one!

It is simpler in some ways today, but vastly more complex in many ways.

Ken Miller


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
When people throw an entire brand under the bus because their printer breaks down. Then you ask them, when was the last time you cleaned and maintained the printer? The answer a lot of times is, I'm supposed to maintain this thing? Protect your investment people! Maintenance is key.


Magna Cum Laude - School of Hard Knocks
Mentioned in another thread - but here again - artwork.... asking for that oh-so-elusive "vector file", after receiving a .JPG that would look best at postage stamp size. And they send you a .PDF, that, of course, they simply saved the same .JPG in. I always have to break out the analogy of putting a passport photo in an envelope. It doesn't change a thing, you just sent it in a different container.

Andy D

Active Member
One thing that pisses me off when working with designers is the tone they
take when I tell them that they need to convert their art to work with a PC and/or in Coreldraw.
No offence to anyone here, I know we all use different programs and some use Mac, some PC...
It's just these no-nothing college grads, that think unless you're using a Mac and a Adobe program, you
can't possibly know anything about graphic designs.


Dammit, make it faster!!
• not knowing the difference between raster and vector
• cut ready vector vs. just vector
• not knowing how/why fonts need to be converted
• sending a pdf or eps that's really just a jpg called a pdf or eps
• Hate all Adobe files but I can use them
• flattened psd files that need changes made
• saying a "banner" when you really mean something else
• saying it's already to size and it's not
• Adobe language i.e. stroke, paths etc.


New Member
Mentioned in another thread - but here again - artwork.... asking for that oh-so-elusive "vector file", after receiving a .JPG that would look best at postage stamp size. And they send you a .PDF, that, of course, they simply saved the same .JPG in. I always have to break out the analogy of putting a passport photo in an envelope. It doesn't change a thing, you just sent it in a different container.

Don't forget about when they resave it as a .eps! *facepalm*


Trump 2020
Things that annoy you in the print industry.

Morons "in" this industry that don't know they're morons.


Magna Cum Laude - School of Hard Knocks
I REALLY wish they'd just make laminate rolls 53.5". Give us a little room for skewing please. No one is printing edge to edge on vinyl.
Half the laminate I get from Oracal is 54.125" or more.