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What are your pet peeves


New Member
Pet peeves

People with Pooping and Peeing Pets

These offenders are usually dogs but we do have (1) offending cat.:frustrated:
Oh, we're not talking about pets? Well, oops!

Anyhow, my Landlord (Bless his heart) tried to do a very nice thing and installed carpet with thick padding throughout the entire shop. But I wish it was half carpet and half hard floor surface. It would be much more practical for our workshop areas.

Anyhow, I've got (2) cats I love, but never bring them to the shop. Too much carpet! So, I think I'll make a sign for my visitors that reads:

"Please hitch up your horse, dog, or cat before comi'n inside." First though, I need to mount some type of handle of something on the wall near the front door with a leash attached to hint that they need to leave their Pets outside.


New Member
---The other is the "I have been in the sign business (x) amount of years" as an argument as to why they did what they did... or pre-qualify themselves before arguments so that way they aren't questioned when things get screwed up.

I went to work at a place and the boss was new (he hired me) and he called it like he saw it. Super smart guy, and the shop was full of people that thought they knew it all, but actually didn't know much at all. There was a guy there that wasn't very good at what he did, but he had been in the business for 30 years.

I remember it like it was yesterday, the boss told him to do something a certain way and the guy didn't want to do it that way (because it made him work harder and get the job done quicker). The guy faced off with the boss and said "I have 30 years experience doing this", to which the boss replied "No, you have 1 year experience 30 times, now do what I said or pack your tool box and go find another job".

1 year experience, 30 times. That was about 15 years ago and I'll probably never forget it.


New Member
7. When aproduct fails and the company acts liek your the only one it has happened to...google disagrees! lol

1. This amazes me every time. So unprofessional.

2. Nephew design

3. Been a while, but did my first vinyl installation in years yesterday, and got the dreaded "I think it's a little crooked. AAAAHAHAHAHAH! Just kidding."



Locals Find!

New Member
People who move down to Florida from up North and say "this isn't how we do it in (insert state here)"

THEN GO THE HELL BACK TO (insert state here)!!

or my personal favorite. "That price is too high can't you do it for less?" - NO! I gotta eat too you stupid SOB!


New Member
Biggest pet peeve.....

Customers who come in without an appointment and then during the conversation their cell phone rings, and they put a finger up to me that I should wait while they answer their "Oh so important phone call".

I give them 5 seconds, if they dont get off, I walk off and I do some work and when they get off I tell them nicely to have a seat and I will be down as soon as finish designing a layout. BS!!! I am on this forum and they can sit there and ROT!!!

I also don't like being called a SIGN GUY.
Heck, do i call my lawyer, my lawyer guy? my doctor guy?


Premium Subscriber
That brings to mind another peeve....................

Addie's worm..............:ROFLMAO:​

"Deposit Please"

New Member
Can i see the design first? What design? what are you talking about.... there is no design. ....it doesn't exist. They think their in 7eleven and i have the design packaged up sitting on the top shelf.
tape measure: I have atleast 4, but can never find one when i need it.


New Member
Bob, without a sense of humor I'd be like that guy in "Falling Down".
One more general pet peeve:
• People who do not exfoliate their elbows and have a dirty looking buildup of dead skin on 'em.
Is everyone checking their elbows now?


Active Member
Call me "weird", but I trim my eyebrows on a regular basis. I hate the "feelers" that develop if they aren't kept under control! :smile:
LOL. the chick that cuts my hair offers to trim mine up at no charge because my "czech eyebrows" get a little wild when let go for a while.


Premium Subscriber
Call me "weird", but I trim my eyebrows on a regular basis. I hate the "feelers" that develop if they aren't kept under control! :smile:

LOL. the chick that cuts my hair offers to trim mine up at no charge because my "czech eyebrows" get a little wild when let go for a while.

This could start to go in a direction no one was counting on................ :rolleyes:


New Member
Customers (tradesmen usually) who walk into my very clean shop with mud/dirt-caked boots and walk all over the place thinking nothing of it.

Jim Doggett

New Member
Poor wraps that fall in love with the image and diminish the message / communication to an extent bordering on obliteration. I see it daily: ooooh cool!!! But what was that????


New Member
"The customer is always right" - WRONG. You're right if you're right, and wrong if you're wrong. Being a customer does not elevate you to being a super-human exempt from the rules of reality.
People who know that they need professional business guidance ... but refuse to listen to it because it would mean that they would have to accept that what they have been/are doing is flawed...even though they know it is flawed.

People who know your experience, your history and entrust you to do a job, task, hiring, project management, etc., but will not release the power to let you successfully complete the task.

micromanagement that GREATLY hinders production.

business owners focused on pennies and dimes and neglecting the dollars.

irresponsible management of cash management that puts businesses that would be very stable into very dangerous waters...for example operating multi million dollar operations with little to NO cash reserves.

business owners who wait until the absolutely last moment to explore an exit plan...a sure fire way to get the least amount of money for your investments.

business owners who decide to sell their business , who should have been putting all of the pieces together to ensure that they got the most amount for their business years ago versus trying to piece it all together weeks/months before putting it on market.

"professionals" who one moment tell you that you are the greatest thing and then in moments of frustration revert to personal offensive abusive attacts..."you dumb f'ing f'er" no matter the situation, it can be handled professionally. my opinion great signs of insecurity, immaturity and that they are very often in waters WAY over their heads for the level of responsibilities they are attempting to deal with.

the list could go on and on and on....


New Member
How about the guy who gives you a sob story as to why he is very late on payment and then you see him drive off in a late model Mercedes and has 4 vacations a year!!!!... and a summer home and private education for the kids....
OK I see his point now..... never mind.!!


New Member
Another thread reminded me..

It peeves me that some refer to dpi when sizing/supplying image files when they mean ppi