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What are your pet peeves

Pat Whatley

New Member
When the boss man asks for my opinion, even though he's already set on his asinine plan
I ask my minion for his opinion all the time then do the exact opposite. It helps me keep him beaten down to a level where he's afraid to open his own shop and forces him to accept my mental superiority.

Spud Murphy

New Member
Sometimes my dinner isn't on the table when I arrive home and I have to sit around drinking beer and watching TV until it's ready.


New Member
Customers who really need the job done today, but don't show back up for a week to pick up the sign.

"Just make what the plans show" you make it and then "Oh, that's not what I wanted"


New Member
I ask my minion for his opinion all the time then do the exact opposite. It helps me keep him beaten down to a level where he's afraid to open his own shop and forces him to accept my mental superiority.

Hehe, I'll keep that in mind after I start my own shop next month.

Circleville Signs

New Member
Pet Peeves - let's see...

Customers who try to dictate your pricing...

Customers with no sense of personal space...

Creepy customers who are the presidents of irrelevant fan clubs...

The dreaded "Cant' you do that any cheaper?" customer....

Steve C.

New Member
Customers who walk in talking on a cell phone.

Customers who bring their kids in and allow them to run wild.

Two customers come in together and then spend 30 minutes standing at my
counter discussing what kind of signs they want.

Real Estate customers.

Customers who give you a web link where you can steal the art they want
you to print.



New Member
butt sweat. yup gotta be butt sweat.


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mark galoob

New Member
pet peive #1.
customers who dont really proof their printing, even though i have a proof sheet, and spend several minutes lecturing each print cusomter about spelling and phone numbers at least 30%-40% of my customers get jobs redone and its their fault...

pet pieve #2.
LOCAL sign shops on this forum that WHORE out their wares. obviously you aren't making money on that job, why not just quit business and hang it up...all your doing is trashing the rest of the market.

my wife blames me for everything that goes wrong even if its not even my fault...lol id get blamed if a piece of the interanational space station fell on our house...lol...she loves to blame me when i tell her about customers who DONT PROOF THEIR FREAKIN PRINTS lol

mark galoob

mark galoob


New Member
Oh yeah. I hate that. Like they want CHIROPRACTOR in 6" letters on a 8"x24" sign.
Or following architect spex stating something similar, in Arial of course.


New Member
Oh yeah. I hate that. Like they want CHIROPRACTOR in 6" letters on a 8"x24" sign.
Or following architect spex stating something similar, in Arial of course.

Yes, and if, after drawing it up, you state that the letter height will be 2.75", even with a condensed sort of typeface, they feel like they're getting ripped off. "I want my 6" letters!!!"


New Member
...essentially, people,....yeah, people.... they gotta' be the worst.....especially the ones with pet peeves.........:ROFLMAO:
