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What do you remember...................

Steve C.

New Member
Saturday morning tv.


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Sticky Signs

New Member
I remember life before reality TV. Man those where the days.
Dial up intermanet
Dad smoking in the car or anywhere in public for that matter.
Waking up in the morning without random pain in some part of my body.
Skinny leather zipper ties and keytars
The walkman, and than the walkman that automatically changed to the other side.
Transformers, GI JOE, Thundercats, table top pac man, mini video arcades, solid hunks of rubber that look like WWF wrestlers etc, etc, etc.


New Member
I had the Noah's Ark thing.
You know what I remember?
I freaking HATED to get a boo-boo or get sick.
The medicine cabinet held all sorts of torture devices.
(couldn't find a pic of that nasty ear oil stuff)
Luckily Mom was not the enema type.
But you had to be about half dead for her to let you stay home from school.
And the doctor did make house calls.
Remember mumps, measels, and chicken pox?


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New Member
one telephone in the kitchen and you couldn't use it. calls were important and short and a long distance call was as important as the president on tv. if the phone was used 10 mins a month, that was a lot.

as for tv, black and white, only rich people had color tvs. i remember taking the tubes down to thrifty to check to see if they were good or not. they had a machine there to check them. and while we were there i could get a 5c ice cream cone.

in the sumer children left the house in the morning and came back for lunch, maybe, and were not seen again until dinner.

children walked to school from the 1st grade on. no lines of cars dropping off or picking them up.

school had fans, no air conditioning.

gas wars. my parents would drive a mile to pay 24c rather than 25c a gallon.
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New Member
Ok these are just a few things I remember.


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Tim Aucoin

New Member
Ok these are just a few things I remember.

:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I remember 8 track

Who remembers the show from the late 60's that these images are from?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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New Member
toys that could kill you but some how, we managed to live with the danger. cartoons that didn't teach us anything and just were fun, and had "danger" in them like "scary" Bugs Bunny. riding a bike without a helmet, knee pads and a ton to other equipment. chemistry sets with chemicals harsh enough to take all skin and meat off your hands down to the bone. eating Halloween candy, cupcakes, apples, cookies and such and not having my parents inspecting each item. going out to play. sand boxes with no covers. swings with real seats and chains.


Active Member
Vivid memories of the rapid removal of flesh that usually followed the use of one of these....


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New Member
Mom wore a house dress every day, with an apron.
And of course a girdle and one of those heavy-duty brassieres which requiyed ironing.
Everything required ironing.
When she was watching her weight she used to eat these little nasty caramels called Ayds, we used to sneak them even though they tasted like a dried dog turd.
And my aunt was all avant garde, she drank Fresca.
Mom also used to take tranquilizers sometimes when the days got too stressful, remember Mother's Little Helper?


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New Member
Tim wasn't that "Land of the Giants"?
I can remember thinking that there were little people inside our hi-fi set.
I was pretty gullible though.
Remember the milk box on the porch?
And PDQ for in your milk?
I liked PDQ right out of the jar too.
And the old pre-Mother Nature Chiffon ad:
"If you think it's butter, but it's not, it's Chiffon!"
We always sang, if you think it's butter, but it's SNOT.


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New Member
Mr. Potato Head was just a box of parts with a pointy end that you stuck into a real pototo. since a potato was food, you had to play with yours until it was mushy and black from all the holes.


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New Member
Gino is that a bomb shelter?
A relative had one.
He dismantled it in the late 70s and gave us the food.
It was still edible. hahaha