graphic artist cheaper in India!
I couldn't find out what a graphic artist in India makes but I bet a factory worker in India who makes $5 a day ($1700ish a year) would be pretty tickled to earn $15 for 2 hours work. I suppose a graphic artist would bill twice what a factory worker gets but still.
Funny you should mention that about the designers in India, I worked for Dell computers in Round Rock Texas for a few years as a graphic designer, we had 80 people working in the graphics group, and something like 30,000 people working in the Austin area, then after two bad sales quarters in a row, Michael issued an order to reduce the work force by 7,500.
The graphics group was cut in half, 40 were let go including me, I was good friends with the director (my bosses boss), and we would talk off and on for the next several months, even go to the shooting range together for target practice. He would always tell me to hang in there, and as soon as the economy turned around and Dell started to hire again, I would be one of the first to come back to work. This went on for about a year, every month he would tell me to hang-on and be patient, and when things worked out, I would be called back.
Well, I took a job with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, also as a graphic designer, and about two years after being let go from Dell, I ran into my old director at the indoor gun range and we started talking and he finally told me not to count on going back to Dell, he said they moved the whole graphics group to India. Working at Dell, I was making right at $38 an hour and he told me they are paying graphic designers in India less than $10 an hour, so Dell was cutting their graphics overhead by almost 75°.
You know I just don't get it, American companies keep sending US jobs over seas, and then no one here has any money to spend on their merchandise, and then the US economy goes down the tubes.
We need to keep good jobs in the US, so we can have money to go out and buy Dell computers, I don't think Dell sells as many computers in India as they do in the US (I own four).
When I first went to work at Dell they were building all the laptop computers in one of the buildings on the big Dell campus were I worked, then within a year, they started to manufacture the laptops over seas, and closed down the local manufacturing facility, I should have seen the writing on the wall. Now they only do the engineering and industrial design work in Round Rock, the actual manufacturing is being done over seas. At one point they would ship all the parts to Texas and assemble the laptops here to get around paying import tariffs, I don't think that is the case any longer.
I buying American every chance I get! (I have a Dodge Ram 1500, a Dodge Dakota, and a Jeep Wrangler, and a Harley Davidson Deuce).
Sorry for being a
, I just couldn't help myself!
(Ya, I know that Dodge uses parts made in Mexico)