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Search results

  1. Roland SP 300i print quality

    Try these settings... Use the specific profile GCVP, change your direction to Uni-Direction in the quality. Go to color management and go MAX Impact at High Quality. I do labels all the time. Make sure your black on color adjustment is to MAX black. You should be able to get a decent print out...
  2. Show me your business logo

    Mine is pretty simple, and to the point. I usually run it in this blue, white or black.
  3. Logo feedback

    I like the Handcrafted Jill did. Super clean, easy to incorporate. Great job! I, too, try to stay away from Red and Black. If it's your plan for a company color, no way around that. Best of luck! I'd like to see what you go with!
  4. Cutting quality issue on Roland VS-540

    I had the same issue. Luckily there aren't too many pieces that can go wrong here. I did the same thing, I didn't think of the blade holder. I changed that and perfect again. I do a lot of perf cut so I go through strips, blades and blade holders... Blade holders last me about 11 months. I'm...
  5. Need help picking printer cutter.

    I would recommend a separate print and cut set up. I own a roland versacamm vs-540. While it's nice to have it in one machine, it's also nice to pull it out of the printer and have another job going say a banner while the cutter is cutting the other job. If space is a factor I would obviously...
  6. Alex Here

    Hi Everyone, I own a company called SkyPrintMedia in California. Originally the company started in Arizona, We closed that company down and opened a new corp here. I wanted to move back home so here we are. I've gotten a lot of information from this site so I decided it was time to be active...