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Search results

  1. retro font ID

    Thanks for the try... it made me think of Playwright which also is off. I <3 Mouse Deco though :)
  2. retro font ID

    I thought that would sound sexier than old tired font I can't ID. Your help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Weigh-Ins for the signs101 Losers (the good kind!)

    I love shopping in the "normal size" section. I think that was my final push to lose the 65lbs I lost about 4 years ago. I was sick of wearing what fit instead of what I wanted to wear! But everything you mentioned rocks too :)
  4. SignAmigo is just that!

    I started working with Phillip regularly when I realized he designs the way I would if I had an ounce of his talent. It's great to discuss a design with a client and have Phillip make it happen. As an added bonus, I get a true professional who is reliable, responsive and tenacious! And he's so...
  5. Vector Doctor strikes again!

    Although I have used Eric's stellar service in the past, I'm singing his praises today because I didn't use his service! I have a job where I have to duplicate old signs and there is only one word on the sign in a font I was not familiar with. Immediately, I thought, I only need the one word...
  6. Font ID for a MIA member :)

    Looks right. I wonder why they don't sample the whole alphabet... That "font sage" crown fits you well, sir ;-)
  7. Font ID for a MIA member :)

    Hi all. I haven't been on in a long time due to circumstances beyond my control but I need your help identifying the font used for "Villas". (If you need motivation, the incredible "Vector Doctor" couldn't identify it) :omg2:
  8. New Logo

    my two cents: I think the oval is a very good idea but also feel the shape and the figure are off, misshapen. he looks a little humpback and the oval is smooth and round. rjpjr had a good solution. but here's a couple of thoughts. (1) why not crop him off with the oval, no feet, mostly head and...
  9. What's goin on w/ my Mondays? font id please

    hmmm wonder why. Here's a .jpg (Thank you!)
  10. What's goin on w/ my Mondays? font id please

    I hope this doesn't become a Monday routine! :)
  11. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Cool Change - Little River Band
  12. Latex Allergies???

    interesting... if you have a family member severely allergic, you tend to get a little paranoid LOL
  13. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    putting us back on track loneliness is just a word - chicago
  14. If you can't figure out Pat's, try mine :)

    Nice catch on the "m"! I tried Humanist in the beginning but don't have a bold enough version and the frutiger works fine. you have my gratitude, gentlemen.
  15. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Rock of Ages - Def Leppard looks like it's just you an' me, Signage :)
  16. If you can't figure out Pat's, try mine :)

    Thank you. that's it!
  17. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    I am a Rock - Simon & Garfunkel double word score!
  18. If you can't figure out Pat's, try mine :)

    why would you use anything this imaginative on an elementary school sign? :ROFLMAO:
  19. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Wake Me Up When September Ends - Green Day