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Search results

  1. Flexi 10 Coming Soon

    I'm running 7.6v2 and never upgraded because I was hearing a lot of complaining about colors and profiles acting crazy in the newer versions. I didn't see anything that made it worth the risk to upgrade. Now, I'm just thinking if I allow too many upgrades to pass me by, upgrade will no longer be...
  2. On TV tonight

    Incredible pictures... they really bring it home! Great to see you're doing well!
  3. what is that thing?

    ROFL I love a good castration... especially on Monday morning *crowd cheers* "Off with his head!"
  4. Name suggestions for gift sign? (pottery maker)

    yeah, who get's a custom truly distressed sign from a famous sign lady?!
  5. what is that thing?

    But that's not funny... darned smarty farty 101'ers *grumbles off*
  6. what is that thing?

    ROFL this is why I luv you! Can you stick a coroplast "rider" on it?
  7. Odd situation

    it is customary to let the kind folks of this sight rushing to your aid, know if the tip worked (publicly)
  8. Logo Critique

    +1 I'm so glad you're being honest... I was thinking the same thing exactly but lack the self confidence in my opinion to voice it.
  9. what do you guys think??

    nice! Joe's too... just didnt get a chance and well, there's plenty of gushin' goin' on LOL
  10. Sign friends and musicians.... will this work?

    Loving the look of the heavy theater style curtains and the simplicity... (duh *face palm*) you might could tack some blankets up there to see how well it will work before you spend the money, GG
  11. Wondering how many would be interested...

    +2 I saw this thread within minutes of you posting it, Jon. I could certainly use this! But let's be completely realistic... I haven't even taken you up on your phenomenal and generous offer of the free consultation. The day-to-day muckety-muck gets overwhelming with the additional personal...
  12. Finished and installed

    I believe you've got yourself a new tagline there, sir... :)
  13. Sign friends and musicians.... will this work?

    ROFLMAO clever!!! :D GG you'd be surprised what budget blinds has to offer... i'd go to www.budgetblinds.com and look for someone in your area to come out and see what they can offer.
  14. Fish Tacos Logo

    Yes, the people demand to know...
  15. Finished and installed

    Another feather in your cap... you're starting to look ridiculous!
  16. signgal

    LOL that's awesome! Congrats!

    LOL that's awesome! Congrats!
  17. Name suggestions for gift sign? (pottery maker)

    gotta love family... don't gotta like 'em much but you gotta love 'em
  18. Roofies!

    Looks like a postcard, hon... Congrats! I know that feeling. Wish I were there to share a blender of margaritas with ya :thumb:
  19. signgal

    came in to check out your latests posts and found that pic up there... may I just say WTF?!

    came in to check out your latests posts and found that pic up there... may I just say WTF?!
  20. Font ID

    You're right, of course about the "T", Fred... I think I'm gonna use Bookman and call it a day. Thanks for the input guys!