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Search results

  1. Your Opinion of Seamless Texture Tiles

    It's funny, I was looking at yours (from the slashed thread) and thinking they were cool and realized I've rarely used them. It seems like they could be useful but I think it's like anything else in this business. Whatever you get used to or are taught on.
  2. anyone played with their balls today?

    curse you google toolbar! typing my inquiries into the little box prevented me from discovering my own colorful, bouncy balls... Thank you, Eric!
  3. Shop Vehicle Critique

    Have one parked 3 houses down in my neighborhood LOL My son's enjoy making fun of it.
  4. New Shop Logo - Opinions?

    wait... wait... how 'bout "Ye Olde Vinyl Shoppe"?
  5. Need critique on logo

    sorry to dredge up old threads but what came of this? I could swear I saw a van with that name on it, yesterday, in my neck of the woods. I didn't realize it until I'd passed and he was about 6 lanes over from me, going the opposite direction LOL
  6. New Shop Logo - Opinions?

    ROFL totally sounds like my type of "technical" advice! Right now "vinyl" is the focus... is that what you want?
  7. City to pay 300K for blocking sign

    For cryin' out loud, in our city they are actually considering making it against the law to have the word "PAWN" on your place of business or sign... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
  8. City to pay 300K for blocking sign

    +1 but the phrase "doo doo happens" comes to mind. Trees block signs, buildings get built covering entire plazas and their signs, trucks park repeatedly in front of signs... it's usually the little guy who suffers, this time it ain't. And if you think for one minute their winning a settlement...
  9. Ribbon Cutting/Open House question

    Ditto... i do alot with the chamber and attend these functions. All in one day but you can continue the celebration though out the month with an "open house" and give-aways and leave the banner up etc.
  10. Critique please

    I think it looks great too... I like the idea of making the tagline the focus on the back because it's a good line. Can you cut off the "hook" at the top of the "r"? So it doesn't hang down at all... like it is on a helvetica font
  11. help with logo design

    Nice stuff!
  12. My Logo

    I'm with Pat... I get where you're going with the new one and Joe should always be listened to in every situation :) but I think the letter only look is more effective for you at this stage.
  13. I stumbled across it today

    Howdy from the sunshine state
  14. Prices Slashed on Plotter Art™ Collections

    My husbands looking forward to seeing it... we have a cnc but haven't gotten to "play" too much with this type of work. Good luck, Tech
  15. Prices Slashed on Plotter Art™ Collections

    I see you brought your bag o' funny with you today... :tongue:
  16. Prices Slashed on Plotter Art™ Collections

    forgive my ignorance but those textures are plotter art?! Like vectored files?
  17. Dibond to Stucco with liquid nails?

    this made me laugh... just left a job site where the other guy used only liquid nails to attach .040 aluminum signs to outdoor walls, including stucco finish. I just shook my head as we passed the signs that fell off and informed the potential client we would be using screws with painted heads...
  18. A sign to ponder?

    I was searching for something entirely unrelated when I found this gem. Awesome!!!
  19. Dancing Girl Video

    maybe... if you gimme a bite of that fish sandwich :D
  20. Dancing Girl Video

    I used to like you, Sign Boy... that'll teach me to not look at the video suggestions on the side.