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  1. Love this. Some of you may hate it.

    knowledge is never a bad thing, Mr. Aston. I have that "design a logo of letters" in my files already :) good stuff. Thanks!
  2. font id pleeeeeez

    i believe you are correct, sir. It looked familiar but i just couldn't place it. You are a prince among men!
  3. Houston, we have liftoff.

    wow, my first retweet! glad to lose my... *coughs and thinks better about finishing that statement*
  4. font id pleeeeeez

    that's me groveling... :) don't let the dots throw you. I converted to black and white to make a smaller file and the sample has texture
  5. I've run out of gas on this one

    I agreed with the redundant factor but this makes total sense now. That being said, your second rendition is a lot better because the colors are richer. Dark colors mean money, not run-of-the-mill. my two cents
  6. Before/After planning stages

    wow, i think i'm officially a signgal. All I can see is the colossal waste of space that could have information in it. LOL
  7. Signs 101 Rules

    please reference Rodi's signature... thank you
  8. Vehicle Wrap for Shop Pickup

    if you truly posted it for us, then you should try to take Dan's comments as constructively as they were meant. He is one of the most helpful people on this site and for him to even give the time to comment on your project, well, you should be honored. If you hope to get anything off this site...
  9. Happy Birthday Jon!!!

    to our hero... sincerest heartfelt wishes for a wonderful birthday!
  10. Shop Dog Molly has left us

    *big internet hug* Sorry to hear that, Bill. Make some changes around the shop to distract you a bit :)
  11. new direction of work!

    If you're really feeling creative, try fusing glass. It rocks! there's gotta be some good art glass houses there. I used to run my stepdad's stained glass shop when we tried it. It can be a little pricey but I often think about how cool it would be to make signs that way.
  12. Before/After planning stages

    I like this better... I would put make the time in the middle official (11:00) for consistency and you might want to try some justifying on the times. It's not very easy to understand, you know the adage about treating the customers like they're dumb :) I like the purple but when you mentioned...
  13. Finished Alley Mural

    completely breath-taking, of course
  14. Before/After planning stages

    I like those arrow heads better (more gothic-y) and I got goosebumps over the new set-up on the mission statement... I'm not feeling the red. I got a little nervous in the beginning when you mentioned the red. maybe the grey? Superb suggestion on implementing the architecture, Adrian! I've...
  15. Are you superstitious at work?

    OMG I that is not dumb at all, GG! I thought this was a fun little thread but couldn't think of any weird little quirks or superstitions I have around here until you said that! I've kind of gotten past it, only because if they are paying with a credit card, I don't want to pay for 2 charges but...
  16. Vehicle Wrap for Shop Pickup

    Is this the same Ranger you were thinking of doing back in November?! LOL Our own stuff is always the last to get done, isn't it?!
  17. Four techniques for combining fonts

    I'm sorry, I am cracking up reading this... any knowledge is a good thing in my book but it reads like my customers speak! "the friskier the design" "unabashed toughness of Tungsten is a foil for both Archer's sweetness, and the cheekiness of Gotham Rounded" I totally get that certain fonts...
  18. Ugly signs thread?

    So I've been saying i'm gonna snap a picture of the sign shop down the road and post it on here, I guess this is the thread. They are the poster child for bad design!
  19. Log o design critique

  20. property rental company logo

    ...and the clouds opened up, a beam of sunlight shone down and the angels began to sing