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Search results

  1. Happy Birthday Tim (T3)

    Happy belated to a sweet guy! I haven't been around but saw this and had to take a second. Hope it was great!
  2. How ink is made

    *giggles* he's from Canada...
  3. New Orleans or bust!

    Awesome! Thanks OP
  4. Dear Santa (and by Santa I mean Fred)

    oh my.....
  5. New Orleans or bust!

    OMG you guys RAWK! I'm even more excited, now! @ Pete: My son and hubby are major history geeks. thanks! @ Cajun: unclear on where not to walk... by convention center? French Quarters ok, right? I'm going to have to diet from now 'til then to try that cheesecake! @ Garismo: Should get there...
  6. New Orleans or bust!

    We're headed to New Orleans for the holiday (the only time we can really get away). Thought it would be cool to visit a fellow Signs101'r. In the past we've gone through GA, VA and NC and admired nice signs and wondered who was responsible for them. After joining here I've actually met some of...
  7. Merchant Warning - Killer Graphics

    -I'll just let Marlene set it up and then add my review LOL ok, ok... I'll set up Phillip
  8. Merchant Warning - Killer Graphics

    I believe i'm a tad offended... hmph! and besides Fred owned up to being a dork! :P
  9. Help with this logo

    ooooo can a checkered flag replace the middle bar of the "E"?
  10. Merchant Warning - Killer Graphics

    Forgive me, Fred but you're a DORK! That is what I sent you a message about the other day when I wanted to write a review for Vector Doctor and Sign Amigo! Goofball... had me thinkin' I was crazy.
  11. Artist or Not?

    I am artistic, yes... I'd never be so bold as to self-title myself an artist. I have my inspired days but I'm not as good as I was when I was eleven. Like Jill, I figured out how to make use of limited talent, have a gift with colors and am quite the sketcher. And like JB I try hard to up my...
  12. Weigh-Ins for the signs101 Losers (the good kind!)

    well, i was quite alarmed to realize at the beginning of the month, I gained a whopping 20 lbs of my 65 lb original weight loss back. I knew I needed to get back to and did. I wasn't done losing at the 65, so, 13 out of the 20 back to the good... whew! very proud of myself for catching it and...
  13. any ideas?

    *places the deserved and coveted crown upon the Doctor's head, just above his doctors mirror*
  14. Cool video

    Now, that just sounds dirty, Jill!
  15. Building Wraps...anyone done them...

    what he said!!!
  16. Building Wraps...anyone done them...

    I'd like to see it when you're done, B-rad
  17. Refinish on 10 year old sign

    gorgeous! People are stupid... waiting to spend the money probably increased the cost!
  18. New T-Shirt Designs

    Hey! I love the second one... it's one of those interesting, classic shirts a person would wear even if they didn't know who the heck you are.
  19. Do you consider your local competion friend or foe?

    Well, we decided two things going in.... NEVER talk bad about the competition and that bit about keeping your friends close and enemies closer. In the beginning we were very friendly with our "competition". Wholesaled to several. Those people are out of business and my area now makes Jill's...