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Search results

  1. my first wall wrap!

    I would expect nothing less from you... it's art :)
  2. I got a lot o' nerve!

    You rock, as usual! I didn't realize the uppercase were alternative... Thank you!
  3. Another One

    Um... I'm thinking you forgot the file? :)
  4. Post Your: Signage related photos you see locally and grin

    How good of a friend are you if you don't want them to better themselves? I'd rather see my sub-par work on here and not have to admit to it and learn from it, than have a customer or competitor bring it to my attention or others.
  5. I got a lot o' nerve!

    asking for a font ID when I've been MIA... but you know i love you all and your font knowledge :loveya:
  6. Post Your: Signage related photos you see locally and grin

    if you can see this, it's a wrap I've been seeing around all over the place... it makes me die just a little inside each time. As you can see, I'm about 2 car lengths behind taking that picture. There's soooo many more but that was one i couldn't resist taking a picture of the other day. I...
  7. Gypsy Graphics...

    Man, I seriously gotta stop working so much and get back in the loop! LOL
  8. signgal

    OMG the grandbaby's adorable!

    OMG the grandbaby's adorable!
  9. Happy Birthday to the Vector Doctor!

    Best wishes for the best day for the best vector doctor we know! :)
  10. Weigh-Ins for the signs101 Losers (the good kind!)

    starting a new phenomenal program (hopefully Monday)! Can't wait! Lost 65 lbs on my own and it's been a really long time since I've lost anything else. It is harder after 40!!! Anyway, I kept it off but I'm hoping this is the boost I need :D
  11. No Human Contact Day

    Well, my problem with those days is yes, indeed... anything can wait until the next day and will still be there tomorrow and all the other grand notions. I feel like I have to work 3 days straight to make up for one day like that. I'm doing it as we speak! (hence the mia report on the signgal) I...
  12. Happy Birthday Island Sign

    Super glad to know you, Doug! Have a happy B-day!
  13. Old Paint lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yay! welcome back!
  14. signgal

    I like your title! Is that new?

    I like your title! Is that new?
  15. Attempt at my logo

    I think you're getting it! Sign Maniac is awesome as classic-ifying designs. As he says, that may not be the direction you want but you can see how simple design elements can take it from basic to bravo!
  16. So....has anybody ever...

    you're all going hell... not judging... jus' sayin'
  17. Heads up FRAUD charges

  18. Wolf's Lair

    that is one bad ass lookin sign! Nice work.... love the blending of colors in his coat.
  19. Design opinions

    I'm with you. It always turns out looking like you "made it" fit. I say use the natural divisions and constraints to your advantage and block off "graphic areas" so to speak. Half the time people say "wrap" they don't mean wrap anyway LOL
  20. Wrap Portfolio

    mighty fine advice, Rick and Jwright!