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Search results

  1. WARNING: Carjacking Scam

    LOL i checked snopes too. My sis is in the FBI and gave me a lecture years ago about propagating these kinds of stories in e-mails. I've now made it my own personal mission to be the BS police and cut 'em of at the knees when they find their way into my inbox. I give them the same lecture she...
  2. Let me have it....

    I second Jill's fabulous suggestions on everything and Craig's removal of the blue inside... i didn't realize what it was until he said it. Just beautiful though! Shows the caliber of artistic professionalism they are dealing with.
  3. Old Paint in Hosp..

    Best wishes... you gotta start the new year healthy, so get better fast!
  4. Christmas Tree finally up

    Thanks. i feel ya! The kids are grown and my monster nephew isn't due for a visit while the tree's up, so I indulged :) I don't have the time I like to take to decorate but twinkley lights turn me on! LOL
  5. Christmas Tree finally up

    my tree i finally finished Sunday and my famous clay pot soldier
  6. Anyone heard of "ratepoint" for e-mail marketing?

    thanks for the info, everyone. We did find that rating page eventually and CC is highest with mailchimp high up there and i was impressed with their service. Just didn't really find any reason to leave CC but I did recommend it to a few people.
  7. New Orleans or bust!

    Not really Dave... we talked to a lot of locals, we always do when we visit other places and most said, it is pretty much as it was in most of the areas we were seeing. Now, those were not sign people, so it's possible they hadn't noticed the same things we were noticing and we do come from the...
  8. New Orleans or bust!

    ok, so we made it.... we partook of muffulettas, po boys and beignets. saw a few sign companies and wondered if they could be a fellow 101'r. I have to wonder about sign ordinances here though... yikes! you got your work cut out for you! oh, dd... couldn't find murphy's and .... truffle fries...
  9. New Orleans or bust!

    ...that is all. Continue about your activities.
  10. Thanksgiving Greetings

    Happy T-day! Here's to road trips with the kids and hubby and no cooking!
  11. "Post Crap You've Drawn"

    The only thing i have access to in NOLA on turkey day. My son is fascinated when I sketch.... this was a quickie for him. AWESOME thread!:U Rock:
  12. Two fonts walk into a bar.....

    ROFL I was chuckling before I opened the post... no puns, just honesty
  13. Anyone heard of "ratepoint" for e-mail marketing?

    Thanks guys! I use Constant Contact now and my newsletters and promotions are now widely acclaimed (LOL) but I'm always honing them and interested in tips and advice. Got some good advice from Tim just the other day. This ratepoint contacted us with an offer of half what we pay CC and more...
  14. Anyone heard of "ratepoint" for e-mail marketing?

    ratepoint dot com is trying to get us to leave Constant Contact. They say they provide the exact same service and features and will even copy all of my info from CC. One of the added features is posting positive reviews for you in google. It would seem they use the service themselves and I can't...
  15. Happy Birthday Pat and his alter ego!

    Happy Bday, dude!
  16. I think I am done working for myself....

    oh I thought you'd be providing them... don't you breed them? rofl I never have gotten that joke!
  17. I think I am done working for myself....

    Ponies?! there will be ponies?! so Fred's coming too, then?!
  18. I think I am done working for myself....

    I LOVE group mental hugs!!!! and of course you can come, JR! The more the merrier Of course! and not just eye candy either cuz a girl needs chocolate! We accommodate everyone's needs.... omg I'm actually standing here giggling and bouncing excitedly, like y'all are really coming! *facepalms*
  19. I think I am done working for myself....

    I think you and GG should just come to Florida and work with me for a while. What the hell... bring Jill too! I promise plenty of sunny weather, sweaty men, youth with loads of ideas, good food and margaritas... no pay but LOTS o' FUN! Let me know LOL