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Search results

  1. Need Help Caldera V14 Upgrade

    Caldera is a great rip. Rock solid and very stable. No issues ripping files that clients give to us. We are still using V 13 ourselves and found that the upgrade was worth the money in saved time for certain aspects of the software. I purchased the subscription including support. Moving to...
  2. Super lucky today!

    Take that money and go play some Roulette....lol. You have some luck on your side.
  3. How many different vinyls do you regularly use?

    We have a couple dozen along with lamination of every flavor.
  4. How many different vinyls do you regularly use?

    We have a couple dozen along with lamination of every flavor.
  5. Recommendations

    AMD Ryzen 5000 series if you want to go hog wild. But personally...Im still a MAC guy with graphics.
  6. Recommendations

    AMD is nice. 2-3 TB HDD is good....put another one in there as a backup file drive or something as well. Drives are not expensive.
  7. Dry Erase Laminate

    Agreed Jim....We use briteline as well but for durability of the dry erase factor for our clients peace of mind...we utilize only Dry Erase specific when requested. We dont chance our jobs for our clients/their clients.
  8. Dry Erase Laminate

    I have to check with my laminator operator to see how much we actually have in stock. What do you need printed?
  9. Dry Erase Laminate

    Dry Erase;)
  10. Dry Erase Laminate

    We print and lam with the GF-DE all the time.
  11. Roland RF640 - Lost Ink during printing

    Shouldn't have much or any air in the damper to my knowledge. Definitely no air in the ink lines.
  12. Roland RF640 - Lost Ink during printing

    Need to clean your nozzles. Maybe swab them with cleaning fluid.
  13. Kinda in a jam

    I don't see why that wouldn't be alright.
  14. Need Help Adobe / CutContour Lines

    Just downloaded and got a full look at it. You need to OUTLINE the stroke first it seems. Your stroke design is somewhat complex. EXPAND APPEARANCE would do the same thing. Then trying the offset path should work out better. You'll still need to manually clean up some...but you'll be in a...
  15. Light colors not drying

    That was my next question...how many hours on em?
  16. Light colors not drying

    Lc & Lm specifically?
  17. Roland RF640 - Lost Ink during printing

    Check the ink lines and fittings. something is loose somewhere and now allowing AIR to enter your system. You are losing flow/vacuum on your ink line. Cap the heads, syringe THRU the capping station line at the bottom until you get ink into the damper and keep and eye on it. You have to make...
  18. Long Time Listener, First Time Caller.

    Welcome aboard Adam!
  19. Roland RF640 - Lost Ink during printing

    Look at the dampers and your ink lines...likely air getting in there.
  20. Need Help Adobe / CutContour Lines

    I always do a copy>paste behind or into a separate layer to keep the cut line separate from the art. Using the Pathfinder tool simplifies removing the inner/original line as well from your new offset cut path. If you place behind, you can always add bleed with a simple stroke now or do a fill...