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Search results

  1. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Immigrant Song - Led Zeppelin That's gonna be a toughy!
  2. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under - Shania Twain
  3. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Gimme Three Steps - Lynyrd Skynyrd
  4. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    Back in Black - Ac/Dc
  5. After the Nickleback Thread ...

    A Whole New World (Aladdin's Theme) Regina Belle ( I think my Disney is showing)
  6. Southern Meetup!

    wow! I'm getting excited! LOL
  7. Latex Allergies???

    My son has a severe latex allergy and has never had a problem spending extensive time in the shop and handling all the materials. I don't know about the specific material you're referring to but normally it's the powder the latex has associated with it which triggers a reaction.
  8. Southern Meetup!

    I'll give ya a ride, Craig :)
  9. Southern Meetup!

    Does that mean you're coming?!?!?!?!
  10. Critics welcome compliments enjoyed!

  11. Critics welcome compliments enjoyed!

    much better :) I can tell you were limited to the two colors and I wondered if the "wavy" ribbons might create awkward negative space.they can't all be masterpieces
  12. Southern Meetup!

    I'm up for it! We did Orlando last time, why not Tampa. Both my boys are at USF now, so no excuse not to :)
  13. Critique

    +1 even if it is only 2 different fonts. You've used different techniques on each line and it doesn't gel. The others are right about the truck. The customer needs to ask himself why he wants to use that if it's his decision to use it. Signs and logos are about appealing to your target...
  14. Critics welcome compliments enjoyed!

    I agree. Try the blue for the names and take Jill's suggestion on the font. Ditto on the ribbons. I like the idea but they are too stiff. Add a slight wave and you might try them as more of a green primarily. They are stealing too much of the attention.
  15. Ice Cream Logo

    You know I'm a huge fan and this is your usual brilliance. I think the name and colors are throwing me a bit too. I like the original combo but it is faded looking, like designing in RGB and hitting CMYK soft proof. I always like when the product stands out before the name on small companies...
  16. Some Recent Wrap Designs - Kickin' it old school; Simple & Clean

    I haven't been on in ages (unfortunately) but always have Signs101 as my home page and saw you posted these. Logged in immediately to admire my favorite "signguy's" work. You never disappoint and made it certainly worth while. You are a true inspiration!
  17. Island Sign in the Big Picture magazine

    Yes! pictures! pictures!
  18. Someone copying your web content?

    pretty cool. i like how they include all your pages at the end because that was the first thing I thought about typing in my homepage address. Also, I think it's mostly photos being taken... and if they name them something else.... :(
  19. Happy Birthday Bigdawg!!

    Wow! it was a year ago I met you in person... so weird. Have a great one Stacy! You deserve it and more!
  20. Happy Birthday Dave Drane!!!

    Happy, Happy!