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Search results

  1. Media advice for Latex 335

    I 2nd Signvinyl. For me I always go for the lowest possible temp to maintain proper curing and I will use higher pass count to offset the lower temps. Just be sure to print a color swatch sample at the new preset settings to verify colors prior to production.
  2. HP 335 Print an Cut or 1624 Mutoh

    There are other several options/solutions out there so I recommend you do your homework and sleep on it. There's a whole lot of other variables to consider when purchasing a printer and if you miss something that is significant to your needs you may regret it later. Roland printers are also...
  3. HP 335 Print an Cut or 1624 Mutoh

    Ultimately only you can answer this for yourself because it boils down to your abilities, needs, and capacity. That said, I would go with the HP because for me it meets all of those things. I don't own a Mutoh 1624 so I will not speak of things about that I don't know, but I will illustrate the...

    You are ultimately going to need to experiment this on your own. The silver substrate is going to affect the color output more than any foil combination and my guess is there are far less Gerber owners on this site who have silver for their gerber. That said, you are going to need to use...
  5. Color Matching Trouble

    It's best to use a pantone color when matching colors. CMYK and RGB are not finite enough to have predictable outputs between devices, RIPS, design applications and medias. Most RIPS will have spot color mappings tuned with the ICC profile to produce the truest match to the spot color book...
  6. Need Help Laminator issue

    Not enough feed tension perhaps. This often causes issues for me, but it may be like Bubba said where your roller(s) are different diameters. If you find this to be true then you may be able to prewarm the smaller section to expand the roller diameter. Just a thought. Oh, and I have a latex...
  7. Question gerber fx halftones

    The best thing to do is to overprint halftones over a solid, or to not use converging gradients in your design. For instance: Sunburst gradient of yellow to red to black. 1. 100% yellow for the entire gradient 2. Overprint red gradient 3. Overprint black gradient Results are not misregistration...
  8. Need Help FlexiSIGN PRO 10.0.1 image import help

    What TechnoLett said.
  9. ArkLaTex Floor Covering Design

    I am a designer and I like the composition, however I am not familiar with floor covering(s) and so I cannot tell if the company's name is Ark La Tex Floor Covering, La Ark Tex Floor Covering, Ark Tex Floor Covering of LA, or just Floor Covering and the Ark, LA, and Tex are a type of floor...
  10. How can I get a PEARL Colour

    It's been a long time since I asked the same question with Zero Nine. At that time it didn't exist, but maybe now it does. The only way I know of now is to get a pearl lam.
  11. Gerber EdgeFX Print Issue?

    You need to trap you art with either a trapping feature, stroke, or manually extending the lighter color into the darker object. There are several ways to do it but essentially you will need to locate the overprint feature. I use Flexi vs Omega so I am not familiar with how to enable overprint...
  12. What media do you prefer for wrapping vehicles?

    I like 3M 180CV with their 8548 laminate. I sell this when the customer wants the best. Avery 1105 with 1360 is my go to for most wraps though because it's more affordable. Both print excellent on my HP260, and both install with similar experiences, but although I have never done a side by side...
  13. HP Latex and sticker printing

    I have the same thing.
  14. Flexi 12 to gerber edge 2

    Technically you can use ANY spot color so long flexi sees it as a spot color. Once you have substituted all your colors to spot using Select By Attributes/Fills & Strokes you need to make sure you have "Spot Color Mapping" enabled within the Production Manger Setup defaults as well as...
  15. Need Help flexi 12 to gerber edge2 splices 10" decal

    I bet she has little issues with single color jobs. The problem with Gerber printers is their inherent tendencies to misregister prints with each pass. If you are printing a registration mark for every color then you will end up with an unevenly, non-uniformed printed registration mark on the X...
  16. HP Latex and sticker printing

    I print small decals all the time with my HP260 and it really boils down to profile/presets and selecting the best color for the job. I have found the HP Permanent Gloss Vinyl profile to work on 90% of the media. I use Flexi Sign for my rip which has less material profiles than Onyx, and so as...
  17. Employee Morale

    I feel what you're saying. There's an art to having employees appreciate their job without giving them the farm, and way back in the day that was as easy as providing a job when there were not enough jobs. The bs is when it's implied by society that it is acceptable and standard practice to...
  18. Vehicle Wrap DPI, how to manage customer expectations

    Managing customer expectations should be your first interaction with them. You already know what it takes to make the highest quality results, and if you are explaining to them them after the fact (after the job is sold, or worse, completed) then you missed a great opportunity to save face...
  19. Need Help flexi 12 to gerber edge2 splices 10" decal

    The error code I am not familiar with, but I would suggest power cycling the printer and relaunching the production manager. If all else fails, remove the setup for the Gerber from the Production Manager and then add it back in - Just be sure to note your port settings before doing so. As for...
  20. Printing and cutting colored vinyl

    I up vote this solution.