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Search results

  1. Alcatraz?

    Sons is decent, Dexter is amazing, Fringe is average, Homeland haven't seen, Burn Notice is okay background noise, dislike Hawaii 5-0. What about Boardwalk Empire?
  2. Floor wrap?

    He'd be better of projecting images from above or something. No product can handle what he's asking for or you'd see every retail shop in the country using it. Asphalt Art is your best bet, farm out a sample to test for 6 months in some area of the store with average traffic.
  3. What, exactly, makes sign people qualified to design anything?

    Agreed x1000, if you consider yourself a "sign business" then you should concentrate on signs and let identity professionals handle identities. Way too much generalization in this industry. If you find yourself with more identity work than anything else you should be an identity agency not a...
  4. Design Genius Paul Rand

    A name everyone should know. I love swiss style but it has it's place and isn't the be all end all. One step in the evolution not the apex as some (like Rand) believed.
  5. 2013 Walldogs Design

    I read it as a dog head not a mask and thought it was a bit disturbing. Not sure I agree with Jill about needing black, avoiding pure tones like black is a good way to create mood.
  6. Whose going??

    Oh so you're who to blame for more nasty chain restaurants! :frustrated: :wink: Great for you, just not a life I'd like to live. Each to their own! Point is really that there are lots of types of sign shops, many don't care about the install side. How is competing with Poblocki? Though...
  7. signs101 slow today?

    Seems normal here. Try resetting your router to get a new connection from your ISP and flush your DNS cache ( ipconfig /flushdns ).
  8. Wavy Pattern in Banner

    They're designed that way to help prevent the material from walking. Turn your heat down, try different banner material. We mostly use Ultraflex Jetflex & Ultrabanner.
  9. Need some reassurance...

    Onyx 10.1 here with an L25500, no problems. Very simple to operate and we've basically completely automated the process with quicksets and networked hotfolders.
  10. Whose going??

    Thankfully none at all. We shave profit off the bits you can automate (digital print fulfillment) while posting on forums and counting stacks of money (not quite). Today for example it's sleeting. Our clients who are install shops are dead for the day. It's business as normal for us. Receive...
  11. So.. This car

    Why so much? You could learn that kind of layering in a couple hours just playing around. I did stuff like that in computer graphics 118 which is a freshmen intro course for all art and architecture majors, and that was over ten years ago. Use Lynda.com if you want someone to teach you, that and...
  12. Alcatraz?

    Looks dumb, which Lost also was. I'll take The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad over JJ Abrams' stuff any time. Hell I'd rewatch The Wire infinitely before I ever watched another episode of Lost. That said I think JJ Abrams is a decent film directory/producer. The limits on the format suit him, his...
  13. Whose going??

    Yes that's exactly what a lot of us like. Nothing could be more boring than installation equipment, bucket trucks, etc. Bleh. If that stuff interests you go work for the power company, pays more. :popcorn:
  14. SOPA Bill Bad or Good??

    SOPA has been tabled but PIPA is still active, call your reps. Awful bills created by big media to oppress their customers because their business model is fading (dead) and they didn't pivot in time due to being run by dinosaurs. Do you like the internet? Yes? Then you shouldn't like SOPA or...
  15. To pay commission or not...?

    It's perfectly valid to not like violent phraseology no matter the intent. Didn't bother me two years ago but after the last year of contentious politics here in WI and the number of threats I've been on the wrong end of and had friends on the wrong end of, probably sensitive to it. Agree 100%...
  16. So.. This car

    Current if the year is 2002 maybe
  17. To pay commission or not...?

    Clearly sarcasm, can't stand people who use violence threats like Gino did even in sarcasm. WI is the world's 10th largest army there are so many guns in the citizenship. Scary imo. Also what's a "packs". ;). Defense never adjusted all year to losing Nick Collins & Cullen Jenkins and the offense...
  18. Adobe's new pricing strategy

    Install VirtualBox + Ubuntu if you want to use it on Windows then. That said...Adobe has me. It's just a fact of business, their stuff is so superior and universal. At least they don't rest on their laurels, CS2+ have each been really major upgrades.
  19. How can you patent...

    Patent office is incredibly overwhelmed they basically approve everything and let the courts sort it out. It's why patent grabs are a major part of company buyouts (for example: it's one of the big reasons Google bought Motorola). Basically big *** companies go to war with each other by saying...
  20. Gold Rush Alaska...again

    History Channel is awful don't watch it.