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Search results

  1. Flexi and Corel question

    I use an older version of Flexi (can't remember for sure what) and X3, and I always export out of Corel as an .ai file.
  2. Help with scripty font...

  3. Help with scripty font...

    Any ideas on this one?
  4. eurostile look alike

    It looks like a version of Square721. I typed the line in using Square721 Ex Bt and it would almost be dead on if the edges were rounded.
  5. Help!!!

    Storybook :)
  6. tavern logo and graphic

    For some reason the pics won't open for me, but from what I can see of the thumbnails, I agree with SignManiac. Definitely switch to all upper case for the word tavern. I think I would also try using the same font as the 1201 to keep it clean...
  7. Font ID Please - SD Padres Logo Text

    Sorry, don't have any info but it looks like you should be able to do something similar yourself rather than spending too much time looking for this exact one. I would just take a font with a similar foundation (maybe a version of SquareSlab?) and tweak it so it looks close to this one. Should...
  8. Madhouse on History Channel

    The Heartland Thunder thing might be pretty cool to watch. Too bad it isn't feasable to go to more than one track. I wonder if the car count was up at Lakeside on the nights they were scheduled to film????
  9. Font Help Please

    I probably should too, but I can't say for sure until I see it :)
  10. Help!

    I have had the same issue using 6.6 In my case it was due to an update I had installed. Try doing a system restore back to yesterday and see if that helps, and then make sure your updates are set to install manually.
  11. One of Wednesday's projects - police tahoe

    Pretty simple project overall. It did however manage to reinforce my hatred for reflective vinyl :)
  12. mustang graphic

    The first thing that comes to mind is white on clear, but hard to say without seeing it first hand...
  13. Megan Fox

  14. Removing Color Print from a jacket?

    Stahl's carries a methylene chloride solution that works great for regular heat transfer material. I have used it numerous times on cotton tees and sweats. Maybe give them a call and see if it will work with the color print material and poly. It may be questionable with the tendencies of...
  15. Best vinyl/lam for a FULL vehicle color change?

    Just called Hexis to get info/samples and the rep told me about their new HX30000 line. They are offering a matte black as well as beetle, pearl and carbon black finishes. Can't personally vouch for the product, but may be worth checking out. www.ilovehx.com
  16. calligraphy style font

    The B looks like El Greco and maybe Zapf Chancery for Crafts
  17. Need a source for balloons

  18. Smart Designer

    I have an opportunity to buy SmartDesigner X3, Design Studio 1, and Design Studio 2 from a shop that is closing up. Asking price for all three is 900. Any thoughts on the software/value for the money? A majority of my work is t-shirts so I thought it may be handy. Thanks Michelle :)
  19. Triangle Car Antenna Flag?

    www.nationalbanner.com they carry a few different styles
  20. Beverage of choice?

    Bloody Mary (Really tough week, startin' early) Morgan Diet Miller Lite