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Search results

  1. were to find connectors?

    Google Belkin. They make all kinds of switches to run multiple machines from one computer. I have one called the Belkin Bitronics Parallel Switch.
  2. quick ? about tractor

    Set your pinch rollers slightly inside the perf lines. If you set the rollers on the perf, it makes a heck of a racket when the machine rolls the vinyl in and out quickly. Also, over time, the rollers will squeeze adhesive through the holes in the vinyl and get it all over your pinch rollers...
  3. problem opening .eps file

    Select all the letters and go to Arrange>Weld. Then you can either apply your outline or use the contour tool. An outline is just what it says...an outline around the edge of the graphic. Half of it lies inside the edges of the graphic and half of it lies outside. A contour puts a solid...
  4. What Software Do You Own and Use?

    Vinyl Express LXI is the same thing as Flexi.
  5. cutting from x3?

    VE lxi Expert came bundled with one of my cutters several years ago. I use it some, but I learned in Corel, so that is what I stick with mostly. On another computer, I have Corel and CoCut.....it is a great setup, also.....definitely the better choice if you have to buy software that is not...
  6. cutting from x3?

    Design in Corel. Then, instead of exporting as whatever, simply copy and paste into Flexi. Been working for me for years.
  7. quick ? networking a gx24

    I agree with Old Paint. I know networking many computers to one machine is the "in" thing, but I use jump drives to move files from one computer to another. In the old days I used floppies. That was fine when I was just cutting vinyl, because the files were small. But these days, digital...
  8. corel help

    It is possible to cut directly from Corel with some cutters....particularly Rolands. I have no idea if it will work with a Gerber. However it is far easier, in my opinion, to use a cutting program along with Corel. I have both of the programs you mentioned on different computers and either works...
  9. Is it me, the Roland SX 12, the vinyl or what?

    There is a white plastic strip that goes all the way across the cutter where the blade touches. It is called the cutter protection strip. It is probably worn out on the right side because that is where most of the cutting takes place. The left side is probably still in good shape because less...
  10. Hello from Branson

    Welcome. I have visited your neck of the woods a few times. Very nice up there. I love the lakes.
  11. FlexiStarter Cutting Basic Fronts?

    I don't think it's a weed border problem.....there is no reason for the machine to cut a weed border if there's nothing in it to weed. At any rate, just click on the advanced tab in production manager and uncheck weed border and that problem will be eliminated, so we can move on to looking for...
  12. Help !!!!!!!!!!

    If you have both programs loaded on the same computer, just pull up the file in Corel and then copy and paste into Flexi.
  13. FlexiStarter Cutting Basic Fronts?

    Just make the letters and the panel behind them the same color. Or find the box in production manager that says "send all colors" and put a checkmark in it. Either way it should cut the letters and the panel together. There is no button to cut just fonts....most production managers cut...
  14. FlexiStarter Cutting Basic Fronts?

    Welcome. What exactly is a "front"? At first, I thought you had simply made a typo and you meant "font", but you spelled it the same way several times, so it must not be a mistake. Explain a little better what you're trying to cut and maybe someone can help.
  15. Corel Draw 9, Win XP, CX-24 wont do weed box

    Change the hairline outline to the same color as the other object you are cutting.
  16. Decals of auto manufacturers, copyright issues, etc

    Yes, you would have to worry about being sued. You could probably get away with selling them to individual customers, but putting them on Ebay or a website would be risky. Besides, everybody and his brother is doing this type of stuff. Use that new equipment to do something better than Ford...
  17. What cutter??????

    A 24" cutter will not be overkill. If you turn your 3" graphic sideways for cutting you can fit about 7 in a row, leaving very little waste. However, if you plan to cut, weed, premask and stick 100 of these a day... you're not gonna have much time to run your business. If you don't plan to do...
  18. Corel x3 and winpcsign help please!!

    I am not familiar with WinPC, but if it works like most other cut programs, you should be able to copy from Corel and paste into WinPC.
  19. Tire Tracks? Pipe dream or possibility??

    There is a dingbat font that comes with Windows called Tracks that has a decent tire track you could use. There is also a free font called Eagle GT II you could download...you could make your text look like tire tracks.
  20. Corel and .ai

    Fred is right. Go to file/open or file/import and then under "files of type" change it from All File Formats to AI-Adobe Illustrator. You should be able to open or import your file then.