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Search results

  1. VS-540 Not Printing Test Print

    How long has the machine sat since it last did a print? I would see if you can pull ink through the lines with a syringe to help prime the system. Are you able to see ink in the lines above the head if you take the cover off?
  2. First "Big" Vinyl Printed Sign

    Looks great! For the hair issue, I use a "Swiffer duster" to minimize particles that get under the laminate. My first print machine was a SP-300v that I bought over 12 years ago (used) and it is still going strong today. I supplemented it with a VS-300i a few years ago. These old Rolands are...
  3. Passwords

    Yes, a password manager it's where it's at. I've been using one for many years. I recommend LastPass but there are many out there. Want it to suggest a password?...it can do that with whatever the password requirements are. Need it to remember your credit card or address so you don't have to...
  4. Flexi color on gradient when mirrored

    Curious, what version are you running? I never had this problem until 19/Cloud and just wondering if it has been fixed in the new version or still an issue. I refuse to update due to my colors being perfect now. If a gradient is giving me a hard time in a file, I normally create a rectangle...
  5. Mactac 6398 Metallic Enhancers Laminate alternative?

    Ahhh....It appears when I was looking, I was checking all the sizes/options that were not in stock. I see they do have a few sizes in stock if you play around with the options. Maybe I'll get some samples to see how they compare. Thanks for responding and clarifying.
  6. Mactac 6398 Metallic Enhancers Laminate alternative?

    Ummm...that is who I purchase it through and when you try to select the options, it states that it has been discontinued. They have been out of stock for months but their site would let you order it. Then they would always cancel the order. They finally changed their site to say it is...
  7. Mactac 6398 Metallic Enhancers Laminate alternative?

    Both look like possible alternatives but hard to find many pictures. To top it off, hard to find suppliers in the U.S. for them and/or they are out of stock. Thanks for the information though.
  8. Mactac 6398 Metallic Enhancers Laminate alternative?

    So I have been offering the silver metallic laminate from Mactac for years but it appears they no longer make it. Anyone know of a close alternative?
  9. Preference manager (restore) messed up my blacks

    Now before everyone starts telling me how RGB and CMYK blacks are different and how I should just start using CMYK black since it prints correct in my case; that is not what I'm after. Let me explain. I have a custom profile for my VS-300i that has been printing colors perfectly (including RGB...
  10. Flexi Icon Size

    Not sure if this is your problem, but I remember many years ago my toolbars were missing, looked weird or did odd things. The issue was some how File/Workspace got changed from Default to some other software option. Changing it back made me feel at home again. If you have any backups saved...
  11. shipping Favorite / most Reliable

    We used USPS exclusively for 20 years since most of our packages are small and light, which made the most economic sense. But a few years ago (especially once Covid hit) their delivery times and excuses were out of control. Priority Mail packages would regularly take 2+ weeks to get delived...
  12. Thoughts about selling on etsy for side work?

    Etsy, eBay and Amazon all seem like "work a lot more for a lot less money" in my opinion. I still have a few listings on there but most sellers sell similar (or the same) thing for pennies on the dollar for what I sell things for. Too many kids with Cricuts on there that think selling a $1...
  13. Baja Boats Style font

    That is about as close as you can get. Thanks. And yes, I tell customers all the time that registration numbers should be a block style font but they insist they want it to be something more fancy.
  14. Baja Boats Style font

    Not looking for the actual logo but have customers request that they want a similar font used for their registration numbers. Anyone have a close match for something like this?
  15. SP 540i

    Yeah, the black part of the head always seems to go first due to head strikes and the black contaminates more easily due to how the ink is made. It also looks like you could use a feed calibration (some others possibly too) since your two passes are very close together. You should see equal...
  16. Rip error System Error. Code 2

    It's Flexisign.
  17. Rip error System Error. Code 2

    So yesterday I seen this rip error when trying to print a file I've printed 100 times. Today, different file but same error. I've restarted the software, the computer, updated Windows (10), cleared job log, copied the file into a new file but nothing seems to fix it. I can say both files have...
  18. SP-300V Wiper Motor Replacement/Grinding Sound

    Using OEM wipers didn't fix mine so I have been running without a scraper for like 2 years now. Seems to be okay as I don't print much between manually cleaning and I clean my wipers at the time of cleaning if they don't need replaced.
  19. Discussion S60600 vs S80800 for Dirt Bike/ Sled Graphics as well as all around use?

    I hear you on the red issue with Roland. Have had a SP-300V for over 12 years (still going) that prints beautiful reds. Added a VS-300i to my office 2 years ago and can not get a good red (always print with a hint of orange). I have custom profiled this machine over 5 times using all kinds of...
  20. New monitor, Any Recommendations?

    I have dual 28" Samsung 4K monitors and love it. So much screen space. No problem reading text at all....but when I remote in on my 4K laptop (with second monitor) that is a little tough to read. I make it work though as it's better than scrolling all over the the place using non-4K...