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Search results

  1. 3M vs. Oracal- calendered vinyl comparison only please

    They're both comparable. We switched from 3165RA to IJ35C-10 for one reason: it doesn't edge curl when your print bleeds, Orajet film (all of them actually, not just 3165) tends to curl significantly with ink coverage at the cut. If you wait 48+ hours it won't, but we don't have that luxury most...
  2. Want to see one of the nicest wide format print facilities around?

    haha, I forgot you two are neighbors! Friendly competition? (-:
  3. Want to see one of the nicest wide format print facilities around?

    Point Imaging was the best one ever until I started seeing inside shots of Blue Media's new facility. Ridiculous. http://bluemedia.com/popups/popup-tour/
  4. New 9 Mil Grey Back Textured Roll Up Film from Bigfish!

    Nice, I'll try a 36" roll, PMing you now...
  5. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    Wow, 5 year old stock??? How old was the IJ35 stock? That could have contributed to your problem too! We buy Phototex from Fellers, they're the closest distributor to us. Good luck with this project, it seems like one of those quicksand jobs, no matter what you do you just get stuck deeper and...
  6. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    Permanent as in it won't come off the wall on it's own or permanent as in a permanent pressure-sensitive adhesive? Phototex doesn't have a "permanent adhesive" (like IJ35 does, by the way), but it won't let loose unless you're pulling it off. But anything, even a high-bond vinyl like DPF8000 or...
  7. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    This. Do not trust vinyl labeled as "wall vinyl", that means it has an almost gummy lower-tack removable adhesive on it. Unless the wall is perfectly finished, glass-smooth and at least semi-gloss if not high-gloss, it's going to do the exact same thing. Don't trust it, it's highly...
  8. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    Is Phototex out of the question? It's not technically a "permanent" adhesive or a vinyl but it'll damn sure stay stuck to the wall (and should they need to remove it it won't destroy it). On wall jobs we've stopped using any vinyl product and either use real wallpaper or Phototex, depending on...
  9. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    My bet is the drywall. I've never tried to stick regular IJ35 to painted drywall but we've had IJ35C fail miserably on it. We did a test wall here at our shop and within days it was doing the exact same thing your is. We resqueegeed it one Friday afternoon and it was on the floor the following...
  10. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    So what's the surface?
  11. Major Failure of IJ 35-20

    What is the substrate? Was this IJ35 or IJ35C? I know from experience IJ35C does not like painted drywall or Gatorfoam or other surfaces that are either somewhat porous or not at least semi-gloss if not gloss.
  12. duratran material ?

    Call Merritt then if it has to be a real Duratrans. If they don't still do it I'm sure Mike will refer you to someone who does.
  13. Saving and RGB PSHOP file as an EPS problem....

    Why not try a .tiff with no compression? If your resolution is high enough your text will also be clean. Worth a try. If you do a .tiff and still get the box something else aside from the filetype is afoot.
  14. duratran material ?

    by Duratrans they probably just mean a generic backlit film print. Technically a Duratrans print is a backlit lightjet print, but not a lot of folks do that still, it's all inkjet now. Try Mike at Merritt, they used to have a Lightjet, I'd assume they still do, worth asking. Realistically, you...
  15. Watch out!

    Sorry for your troubles, we've been there with equipment purchases before (a couple times actually). We finally learned that we will NOT release funds to the vendor until we have confirmation that they have the machine in stock and ready to deliver. Vendors don't like that, they want the money...
  16. An open letter to ProWraps

  17. Open letter to Barry Weiss.

    Dude you watch way too much reality TV... Way. Too. Much.
  18. Shout out to Insignia Signs

    Thanks so much Kurt, I appreciate the order and the kind words! (-:
  19. Best way to go about selling a flatbed printer? (Zund 215)

    You could contact the Global Garage about it, they keep a fairly large inventory of used equipment... http://globalgarage.net/
  20. Wholesale printing

    Honestly I am too. I've always wondered why talking about pricing in the open is so frowned upon here. I fully understand that can be seen by anybody who knows how to use Google, but I've always believed that if your customers are truly good customers they won't use the knowledge that you are in...