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Search results

  1. OMFG basic instinct is on...

    Fred... we need a hand lotion bottle emoticon for ProWraps...
  2. OMFG basic instinct is on...

    How can anybody hate porn? I just don't understand. :help
  3. Mayhew sign AGAIN

    Wow, tough crowd around here. I'd politely refuse the job as well Mosh.
  4. Help spec'ing a new system...

    It's still a good deal. I know on paper the pre built ones look awesome because they have alot of bells and whistles, but to give you those bells and whistles, they cut corners on the internal components like the mother board, RAM, fans, coolers, etc.. And then like I said, the bios is usually...
  5. Help spec'ing a new system...

    Option 2 isn't bad but your home built one is better. If you get an off-the-shelf they're usually made with low-end components and usually the motherboard is proprietary so most of the bios settings will be locked, meaning if you ever wanted to overclock you can't. Plus if you buy an off the...
  6. Laminating Quotes Prices Business to Business

    Whether a print is laminated depends on the vinyl, the intended use, the expected lifespan, etc.. The price would depend on the material used and square footage. Why do you ask?
  7. Mini Cooper Strip Template

    Parallell stripes? Don't cut the angles for everything, there's no possible way to measure everything, at least unless you're charging him for about a hundred sets of stripes so you can adjust and readjust until they're right. Just give him a roll of the stripes, pre spaced with transfer tape...
  8. What res. do you print at?

    Isn't that heat set really low for calendered vinyls? My 180C profiles are 39/37 for the heat, but we run calendered anywhere from 45/45 up to 50/50 depending on what it is. Do you get any banding or ink adhesion issues? Not questioning you, I'm just surprised you can get good results with that...
  9. What res. do you print at?

    most everything is 720x720 8-pass bidir highspeed or 4-pass bidir high speed, which prints extremely well on our JV33. For banners we run 540x720 4-pass bidir high-speed. For wraps on IJ180C it's 720x1440 8-pass bidir high speed. More or less the same for the JV3, except on the JV3 we run wraps...
  10. Getting an in house laminator on a budget...opinions needed.

    Ledco is Quality for sure. Are you absolutely sure you want to go with just a 30" machine? I assume you only have a 30" printer, but since you're spending some money on a laminator, why not plan for future growth/expansion and buy a little larger machine right now so if/when you decided to...
  11. Mini Cooper Strip Template

    The stripes on the roof? As in just two racing stripes that run front to back or is it the Union Jack covering the whole roof?
  12. Source for Retractable Banner Stand that is Telescopic?

    Yeah, I cut the elastic out of the pole for one customer for this very reason, I got a pissed off call a week later saying they had lost the poles and said it was my fault... ugh.
  13. Major Vinyl problems!!!!!!!!!! :-(

    cptcorn has it. You can't put calendered on top of cast no matter what. Calendered will shrink and expand much more than cast. If the two are layered, the calendered will pull the cast with it, causing what you're seeing here.
  14. Source for Retractable Banner Stand that is Telescopic?

    Creative Banner Assemblies sells one that telescopes called the Deluxe Retractor, but I don't recommend it. We've sold about 50 of them this year and at least half have come back broken. The plastic locking mechanism in the pole (you have to twist it closkwise to tighten it down at the length...
  15. 1/2" Plexi

    Yup, what Mosh said. Sand with progressive finer sandpaper until it's as smooth as possible. Be careful with the torch, if it gets too hot it will bubble. Alot of very quick light passes are what you want.
  16. Mayhew

    Left, but give everything just a tad more breathing room
  17. 5/8" clear plexi and fine scratches

    Use a felt-edged squeegee. Or try hitting them real quick after they're done with a torch to see if it polishes the scratches out. Don't linger with the flame long, just a couple really quick passes. Or ask the customer if they are satisfactory as-is. If they are, you're good to go.
  18. do I stick to my guns or cave in?

    These are always tough ones. We all always want to say "stick to your guns" and quote it without any design, but the reality is these types of signs are hard to quote without some sort of artwork and they're even harder to sell without a design to show the customer. I hate to say it, but throw...
  19. New computer, should i go XP or Windows 7

    If that's the only difference then Home probably would then. I've always tried to buy Pro OS whenever I bought a computer or upgraded, that's why I stuck with it. But that's mostly because buying off-the-shelf computers home versions tend to have a bunch of crap bundled on them that Pro machines...