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Search results

  1. 4' x 100' BANNER -

    That's pretty awesome. And that's ALOT of PVC pipe!
  2. Uneven Print length on JV33

    Did you try printing without the takeup reel to rule out tension from it causing it? And I know it sounds obvious but start with the basics, are you 100% sure each tile is the indentical size? I will say that PosPro 300 and 200 are very very finicky when it comes to media compensation on the...
  3. Can't get CutContour to work

    Are you making sure your CutContour line is a spot color and not a process color?
  4. How is business....

    How do you even respond to that? Who in their right mind approaches a clearly established professional and asks for a significant job for free? I can't even wrap my mind around that.
  5. OT - Short weekend vacation, where to go?

    I'm right there with you, if there was a way to make a living up there we'd have moved long ago. Now I'm craving an Art's burger. Word to the wise, don't get a margarita in there though! I've had some mean margaritas in my life but let me tell you I'm pretty sure Tim puts jet fuel or something...
  6. OT - Short weekend vacation, where to go?

    If you're into going to a somewhat less populated area, head north to Traverse City and the sleeping bear dunes area. From Grand Rapids it's only about a 3-4 hour drive and it's downright beautiful up there at any time. Check out Art's Tavern in Glen Arbor, on Sunday nights they have a roasted...
  7. How is business....

    Seems like there should be some sort of legal action you could take against her for doing that, if in fact she's doing it knowing full well you didn't go out of business. And yeah, give her some flyers or a handout to give to people looking for you, and for every one you get back give her a...
  8. To former members of Signforums

    Oh no, that's terrible. I remember when he announced she was not well. That's too bad. That's a nice site too, Kimon's always seemed like a super nice person.
  9. How is business....

    Same boat as alot of people, dead. October was our best month ever, closed the books with record numbers, but the last week of Oct dropped off to nothing. We're sort of like pat, we have maybe a dozen or so jobs in the shop, the largest is about $2000. In the last 1-2 months we have been quoting...
  10. Aston Martin Vantage-Matte White

    I personally know another Mini owner who (amazingly) wrapped his car in matte white (180C-v2 with 8520 lam), and has had it like that for about 2 years now, it's amazing in person, no issues that I've seen whatsoever. I'm actually considering wrapping mine matte white too, in person it's the...
  11. Quality Control

    lol, I did. Typical excuses. Like I said, overall the good points outweight the bad so I'm not yet prepared to make heads roll, which is why I want an idiot-proof system in place to prevent this from continuing to happen. If it does continue after the face, hell will probably have to be paid...
  12. Quality Control

    The thing we're having trouble with isn't something that may or may not have been caught in production like spelling, correct color, etc., it's actual production mistakes. A good example is actually something that happened today: customer came in to pick up their order for a banner and 4...
  13. Quality Control

    Let me explain a bit further... We are having an issue with an employee not checking his jobs himself, no matter what we do or say. He's all around an excellent employee, but is dropping the ball fairly regularly when it comes to QC. We're not prepared to take major disciplinary action against...
  14. Quality Control

    Does anybody use any sort of checklist for their employees for quality control? I'm working on one but and sort of drawing a blank, looking for suggestions. Just something to remind production people to dot their "i"s and cross their "t"s. Thanks!
  15. help with laminator

    Yup. Royal Sovereign is great for the price. Don't cheap out on a laminator, if you get a decent one it'll last you many years and will make your life so much easier. Of all of the equipment in our shop, our laminator is the one I'd give up last.
  16. Oracal 651, Work as Dry Erase?

    It'll stain from the markers, as will most non-dry-erase vinyls.
  17. Shop Organization

    We have a large dry-erase board, divided into 8 sections: monday thru friday, long term (jobs not due in that immediate week), quotes and a general notes section that everyone checks and adds too (things to buy, important events, etc..). Each day of the week is divided into three sections...
  18. Craziest thing you've done for a customer...?

    need more info on this.
  19. Did anyone else notice....

    I thought i was the only wan that had ever noticed it. I pointed it out in the theater when it frst came out. My friends thought i was nuts.