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Search results

  1. Best mobile app

    I started using this app a while back and it has been the one that is easiest to use and the one I use most often . It is great for business cards ! It also works great for documents . I recommend everyone with a smart phone get this just for business cards ...
  2. Sign company put road sign in front of my shop !

    :ROFLMAO: When I was 17 ... I got a job at a new restaurant as a dishwasher. One day the owner hands me and and my friend a stack of menus to go to shopping centers and put them on cars . Being the smart-arse that I am ... We went to another restaurant with the same type of food and put the...
  3. Anyone else see this?

    :ROFLMAO: That means that you are the sucker ! :ROFLMAO:
  4. Husband of the year !!!!

    :ROFLMAO: You should never do this ! Shipwrecked man Graham Anley saves dog Rosie before wife Sheryl off coast of South Africa"As the incident happened Graham sent a Mayday radio distress call and activated the EPIRB (Global Positioning Distress beacon) but they were immediately forced to...
  5. First Made-in-America Smartphone

    And we all thought Microsoft was Apple's competition . Google is eating everyone's lunch and not even breaking a sweat . Google literally has more power and data than the government. And I think they are still a relatively new company . :omg:
  6. YESCO employee falls 100' off MGM sign...

    Safety training and safety checklist are the only way to minimize this stuff . We have safety training every month and have job site safety evaluation all the time . Before we start any job , we have a safety evaluation checklist we complete . Repetition is key ,and self awareness is...
  7. I can't believe that ,,,!!??

    You could just buy a printer for all the rolls you use .Only time to load a roll is to replace an empty roll ! :ROFLMAO: Just kidding .I might think limiting the different types of media you use. Use premium cast or whatever for most of your product and charge accordingly. If your employees...
  8. YESCO employee falls 100' off MGM sign...

    You can't let stuff like that keep you from living your life . Working or playing , I would bet it was the guy that fell own fault . Complacency , in a rush , distracted , carelessness probably were the reason he fell. People do this work all day everyday and do not fall . It is dangerous work ...
  9. is road frontage a plus or minus??

    And that is good business management ! Delegating the the work and responsibilities to the right people makes it all come together. And the customers like dealing with the boss .
  10. Reception Desk Area?

    Leaving Earth: 78,000 apply for a one-way ticket to MarsThe Mars One project to establish the first human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023 has received 78,000 applications in just two weeks, with as many as 500,000 expected to apply by the time applications close on August 31. Mars One, a...
  11. Birthday present for a 14 yo girl ?

    Last year the wife wife , MIL and Jessica went on a hot air balloon ride for the wifes Mothers day / Anniversary . The MIL is 90 and she loved it.
  12. Kwel Video

    :thumb: Very cool That takes patience I do not or ever will have.
  13. Birthday present for a 14 yo girl ?

    Thanks for the suggestions :toasting: Today is her birthday , and I settled on cash . :corndog: I wanted to get her one of the Go cams http://gopro.com/ I may get it later .I also thought about http://www.cloud9living.com/atlanta/tandem-hang-gliding-flight but decided to wait till she is older...
  14. Birthday present for a 14 yo girl ?

    Kinda takes the fun out of it. Now with the wife......20+ years , that is the normal procedure.
  15. classic car dealership and garage logo

    Great stuff. You should do this full time for a living ! / sarc Keep inspiring us hacks :notworthy:
  16. Birthday present for a 14 yo girl ?

    I have no idea what yo get Jessica for her birthday. What do 14 year old girls like ? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated :frustrated:
  17. what shop truck to buy?

    Found one you can pick up today http://www.truckntrailer.com/trucks/chevrolet/g3500/bucket-boom-_-bucket--truck/151746/2004-chevrolet-g3500-for-sale.html
  18. what shop truck to buy?

    But this would be my second choice http://www.directindustry.com/prod/gsr-spa/van-mounted-boom-lifts-68780-711047.html This is what you need
  19. Looking for full color printed napkins...

    A resturaunt supply store could get you started .Maybe Sysco. A few close to you http://www.webstaurantstore.com/?gclid=CNu6msD0qrgCFVRo7AodOxsA_w http://www.webstaurantstore.com/search/printed-napkins.html http://www.sysco.com/search.html?printed%20napkins
  20. Man wants Browns pallbearers so team 'can let him down one last time' Hahahahaha

    Man wants Browns pallbearers so team 'can let him down one last time'People always throw out weird stuff surrounding their death ("When I die I want blah blah blah") but you rarely see people follow through on it. Not Scott E. Entsminger, a Browns fan who died at the age of 55 on July 4...