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Search results

  1. sp540 capping station

    what causes a capping station to stay flooded my magenta stay flooded and contaminates the yellow i can swab the capping staion out it it test prints fine but then it fills up again what is going on and what are the fixes for this thanks everyone..
  2. replace the sponge sp540

    can anyone tell me how to replace the sponge it is beside the caps? thanks
  3. roland sp540

    hello i just installed new firmware latest update to my sp540 and updated versa works, now when i print i have no magenta or yellow, i did a clean and a power clean and still no magenta or yellow the head shows its firing in just a few places any idea...thanks tech talked me into updating was...
  4. saw toothing

    Hello, I have a problem, i designed in flexi, and when i saved as tif and or .ai, i opened the file in adobe photoshop and i had to get rid of background with magic wand , when i do i get alot of sawtoothing, how do i save as transparent background and or how do it open it in adobe without...
  5. setup sheet error

    i got this message on my sp540 i am about 98 percent done printing this banner and got this error setup sheet error ,can i fix this w/out losing print ?printing a 28x96 in banner? in roland it said 100 percent processed but stopped before it actually got done i hit a button now it says setup...
  6. Sewing banners

    hello, looking for some advise on buying a sewing machine for hemming banners, what type of machine do i need to do this job? i have no clue.. it will be for very small runs so i don't need a work horse of a machine, i need to know what to look for in a machine...
  7. coreldraw transparent background?

    hello, i designed a layout and imported a .png that had a transparent backgrond,problem is the size of the image .png where the transparent is, the colors underneath print darker, any solutions to make this print out even colors, thanks
  8. sp540 smudge-smear

    another question, when i printed aphoto on the orajet3165,the bottom of print had a light smudge or smear all the way across bottom of print, i can trim this off but i know there is a cause for this? ,thanks
  9. roland heater settings

    i am at a lost again, heater cinfig what is the print dryer? and what should it be set at?heater? and what is the dryer? and what should it be set at? or is it called a printer dryer and if so it has two settings can someone explain and suggest a temp for orajet 3165...
  10. which is best way?

    hello, i have a sp540 and i do not use it to often at the moment, which way is the best way to park this until needed, i know my waste bottle was over 1/2 full of head cleanning ink, it was my first set of carts ,now i have the second set, and kinda hate to see it waste all that ink...
  11. boy scout logo's

    where can i find all the different ranks in boy scouts vector files? thanks
  12. ran out of ink

    ok i just ran out of magenta on this 540, now what do i do?, just slap a cart in?the print was a test print anyway, but when i checked the ink on the panel it showed i had over half, what a bummer..do i need to do anything special? thanks
  13. roland sp540 orajet3165

    hello when i use the generic (default profile) and print on orajet 3165 the ink looks liks it is seperating like little swirls or like seperating the color like it is cloudy looking what is causing this...thanks tim
  14. versacam photo paper

    hello, I need to buy some photo paper for my versacam,just a good in between paper, i dunno which brand to get or what surface glossy or matte, this is just for doodling for now, could i hear input on what you use and where to get it,i can go 54 in thanks alot!
  15. photoshop

    how do you load a color pallett that you can yous for prints on a roland sp 540 or what pallett do you use ? thanks
  16. scaling

    ok i need to scale from a 1/20 scale to a 1/12 scale how is this done?are they a formula ? i am using ps..thanks
  17. disk error

    hello i created a file saved it as a .psd (283megs) i saved it on a slave harddrive,when i go to open it i get cannot complete your request because of a disk error, this file had like 7 layers, how do i keep this from happening again or get this open, i ran a little program but it didn't...
  18. test print swatch file

    hello are they a easy way to make tese printable test swatch files of the different paletts? thanks (kinda like the roland matching system?)
  19. making a color swatch and naming contourcut

    how do i do this? thanks
  20. sp540 base poin

    ok i set a base point now how do i get back to the original start point ?power machine off and on? thanks