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Search results

  1. RGB from X3 to X5 problems.

    We just updated from X3 to X5 A lot of times I use RGB colors. I have noticed that when I open files that were created in X3 up in X5 the colors are wrong. And I don't think it is color profiles, it is the colors themselves: As you can see, the cmyk codes are the same, but the rgb is...
  2. That is not a logo, that is a sign layout

    I've read several critiques of others' work through out my time on this forum and I've heard this stated a few times: "That is not a logo, that is a sign layout". But never any explanation afterwards on why that is. For the benefit of those who don't know the differences, I thought we could...
  3. Mascot Update... Again.

    A couple years back we had an article in sign craft, about how we were trying to update our local schools mascot. One reason is because the icon they have been using for years is clipart and not original at all. The other is that the Indian head they were using doesn't represent the Native...
  4. cleanin out the ol' font folder.

    Well, I just got a few new fonts... got them all installed... opened up Corel... then started to search through my ever-growing list of installed fonts for the new ones and realized: I've got a bunch of crappy fonts that I have never once used, and probably never will. So I just got through...
  5. Another Baseball Design

    Had a customer stop in with plans to build a memorial baseball field on his property. We developed a logo and sign layout.
  6. Out of State Sign Work...

    Do you do it or not? Well, our last out of state job was the straw that broke the camel's back for us. The job ended in threats of lawsuits and all sorts of hostility. I won't go into details. What I will say is now we have decided to no longer do out of state sign work. We will continue...
  7. Race Car Design Challenge

    It has been a while since we have done a design challenge here at signs101. This one can be open to anyone. Scenario: The other day a race car driver and his entire crew stopped in and wanted a price on doing his car. You price out the job the way you normally do. The race car driver gets...
  8. Multi Touch Magic (for designers)

    With all the news of new and innovative touchscreen devices/gizmos coming out these days... I thought I would post this link of what Microsoft has in store for multi-touch applications. http://gizmodo.com/5514189/microsoft-shows-off-fingerstylus-combo-multitouch-magic You know, as cool...
  9. Photoshop Brushes in PhotoPaint

    I can't count how many times I've been surfing the net and come across some really cool photoshop brushes, only to think "MAN I wish they had those for Corel"..... Well.... I found this very cool tutorial on how to convert photoshop brushes to photopaint "nibs"...
  10. Transformer Art Project

    Before the copyright police jump me, I've already contacted Hasbro with the idea. I haven't heard back from anyone yet, but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't allow us to move forward. The project is completely non profit. Now that that is out of the way... Every year our downtown...
  11. This morning's project

    Simple and sweet, but should look classy in gold leaf.
  12. Mural Museum Logo

    I just finished up a logo for the mural museum our town is in the process of setting up. We are extremely excited that our home town has decided to embrace the Walldog movement like they have. I plan on spending part of the afternoon adding some color to this design.
  13. Appraisal Logo

    We had a gentleman stop in and his business is need of a new sign. We talked him into doing a brand new logo. They do appraisal, but not for homes. So he wanted me to create some sort of imagery that focuses on their area of expertise, which is agricultural and commercial appraisals...
  14. United States, Illinois - Pontiac

    Signs 101 Network RegistryIn what country are you located? United States In what state or province are you located? Illinois In what city or town are you located? Pontiac What large city is nearest you? Chicago Check all items that apply to your listingInstallations (Basic, no permits)...
  15. Cool Desktop Program for Windows and Mac

    I don't know how practical it would be, but I thought I would download it and play around with it a bit. With all the tablet PC and iPad stuff out these days, I could see it really being useful and fun for touch screens since it supports gestures. http://bumptop.com/
  16. Remote PC Questions

    Does anyone here use some sort of Remote PC application? If so, what do you recommend? Lets say I have a slower laptop at home. Not quite fast enough to handle some of the things I like to do. And I connect remotely to my PC at work which is a lot faster. Do the programs I see remotely on...
  17. Beer Brand Design

    My Dad has been home brewing for a while and my brother and I decided that we wanted to take a crack at it. This is a design I did for our oktoberfest brew. I used Poser and 3ds max for the girl and keg, and the rest was all done in Corel.
  18. Fun Project.

    A while back I think I posted some brochures I designed for our town. One of the brochures had a map that was used for a walking tour for the murals we did last summer. Well, our main street organization (P.R.O.U.D.) stopped in and needed to use the map we designed for a national main street...
  19. Simple Water Sports Supply Logo

    It is supposed to read: "scuba joe". What do you all think?
  20. Happy Halloween!

    http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1924012 Have a good time tomorrow everyone! :thumb: