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Search results

  1. Metal Poster Design Contest - VOTE NOW (again)!

    Sorry! I messed up posting this the first time. Please wait until I post all 15! If you voted once before you can vote again. SORRY! for more info about the contest go here: http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=47606 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  2. Design Contest - Death Metal Poster!

    The power in your shop goes out. You waste 10 feet of vinyl because you plotter shuts down halfway through a job. You look outside your shop's window. The sky turns to black. Flashes of blinding white light illuminate the sky as thunderous booms shake the ground beneath your feet. The door...
  3. New Design Contest! SIGN UP NOW!

    OK everyone, Round 2 for this year. Time to throw your names in the ring. If there is the slightest chance that you won't be able to do this one. Please don't sign up. Let some other people that will do it, have a chance. I'm looking for the first 20. I'll announce the guidelines after...
  4. Design Contest Sites

    I found a really good article about logo design contests: http://www.logodesignlove.com/logo-design-contests What are your thoughts?
  5. Recommendations for good screen capture software?

    Does anyone have a recommendation for good screen capture software to record video clips for tutorials? :help
  6. Software you love!

    You know we don't often praise something when it's good. We usually complain or warn others when something is bad. But I want to take this time to praise Thunderbird. It's simply awesome. I have been using Outlook 2002 since, well... 2002:doh: and it was working great for me on XP, but...
  7. type 1 fonts on vista.

    Okay, my new PC came in today. The old one was fried during a storm. This new one has both Vista and XP on it (dual boot) I haven't started loading every thing up on XP yet because, Vista has been working great with every thing I have except........ Type 1 fonts/post script fonts wont...
  8. The Future of Computers???

    :omg: http://www.hardcorecomputer.com/Index.aspx http://www.g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/gadgetpr0n/65712/Reactor-Gaming-PC-Review.html
  9. The Polished Turd Contest - VOTE NOW!

    PLEASE WAIT UNTIL I GET ALL 17 ON HERE In no particular order. Thanks to all who participated! Winner will receive a special prize and is in charge of the next contest! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  10. Amd?

    I'm getting a new system here shortly. The tech guy here said we could try going with AMD instead of Intel. The last time I had an AMD system was about 7 years ago. So Techies??? are they good processors? They seem to cost less in side by side comparisons. :help
  11. Mouse sensitivity on Mac

    OK, let me explain the setup first. I have both my PC and my Mac on a KVM switch. On the PC my mouse response is perfect. On the Mac I have set the mouse tracking speed as high as I want it to go in the system preferences but it's when i slowly move the mouse that the pointer dosn't respond...
  12. Contest/Design Off Idea

    With all the drama around here lately I thought it would be fun to try something that could remind us of the things that we do agree on. Like how all caps Old English looks like crap, or how we hate to see brush script on a semi. So in the spirit of comradery and fun, I thought we should have...
  13. I quit using Corel today!

    http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1771096 :ROFLMAO:
  14. BIG CITY or small town?

    So what are everyone’s thoughts? Do you work in a large city, or a small town? ... or somewhere inbetween? What are the pros and cons of the town size you operate your business in? We work in a smaller town, not super small though, about 12,000. I think one pro of working in a smaller city...
  15. Wrap Industry… Your Thoughts?

    I ask this, because I wonder how lucrative this niche market really is. Do the people that do wraps more then once a week only live in more urban areas? And if so have you always been just a wrap company, or did your sign company evolve into just a wrap business? Do you think the...
  16. Are we a weakening industry? And is it our own fault?

    I’m all for helping out new sign shops and beginners in this trade, but the truth of the matter is that this industry is over saturated with new guys, that in a lot of cases (but not all) can’t manage to keep their shop open for more then a couple of years. And to me, a lot of times, it’s...
  17. New from Central Illinois

    Hey everyone, I’m not new to the business, but I’m new to the forum. I’ve actually been lurking for a while. Our shop is located in Pontiac’ Illinois, 100 miles south of Chicago right on Rt. 66. I’m a second generation sign artist and work along side my brother, mom and dad. I know, weird huh...