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Search results

  1. E074Err CR2 Current-Error

    All the things mentioned can cause the cr error, there is one other thing that causes it on our machine the small tab on the left hand lower edge of the carriage that holds the head back and is operated by a soleniod I think, its the little slide you lift to free the head carriage, well every...
  2. Valuejet 1604 pf current error

    Thanks heyskull, yes I would agree that with what you say about easing the pressure and it de-stressing the disc, in our case we changed the disc and the gear wheel and disc holder, in fact the gear boss on the shaft was split and a very sloppy fit, originally I thought this was our problem when...
  3. Valuejet 1604 pf current error

    Update to our problem, the pf motor finally arrived and was fitted and it did the job the printer seems to be functioning properly, we did get one scare though when we first switched on it alarmed and came up with the CR error but that was the head carriage hold back sticking a little after not...
  4. Valuejet 1604 pf current error

    We don't have a spacer in there, and only 2 screws hold our assembly on to the shaft and 4 screws secure the disc holder to the gear the encoder disc which is new is running very well not touching the sensor, our supplier over here reckons it's the motor and is sending us one to try and will...
  5. Valuejet 1604 pf current error

    Would that spacer be about 12inches in and held in with allen screws if so our machine has it fitted. Disc looks to be rotating fine it moves a little but doesn't touch the sensor, it was warmer yesterday when I fitted the parts I will try slackening and re tightening. Thanks for your input...
  6. Valuejet 1604 pf current error

    Our 1604 valuejet was giving the pf current error, on investigation the encoder gear wheel was found to be cracked around it's fixing holes and the gear wheel was quite loose on the shaft, fiddling about with these screws would get it to work most times so a new encoder gear wheel and encoder...
  7. Accurate cuts HS15 Plus

    Hi Can you explain this method of cleaning the HS15 with the body of a bic biro I have never hear of this method before and it takes me ages to clean the sprockets of our HS15. regards Tel
  8. Graphtec not finishing cuts

    We don't have an FC but have several CE graphtec cutters and have changed blades and strips and blade holders several times over the last 14 years so here is what I do with our CE 5000 120 the strip is easy peel off peel of glue and replace with new sticky backed strip, the blades and blade...
  9. 15" GSXPlus Plotter Trouble

    I use a GS15 plus in conjuntion with an edge daily, make sure the chromed bars that the cutting head runs on are clean and lightly oiled with 3 in 1 oil or sewing machine machine oil (any light oil) and if you remove the cutting head cover there is a hole in the carrier where the crome bar goes...
  10. Printing on pop up material with a 1204

    Thank you very much for your input guys regards Tel
  11. Printing on pop up material with a 1204

    UPDATE Found out ourselves what the problem was, the backing of the pop up material is grey and that triggers the sensor to report that no media is in the machine. The 1604 was able to print, the difference between the two machines is we bought the 1204 new and the 1604 secondhand, so on closer...
  12. Printing on pop up material with a 1204

    We have a 1204 and a 1604 valuejet printers. We have been printing on pop up material but only the 1604 will print on it. When we try to print on pop up material with the 1204 it displays "media end" when the material is loaded. Is there a thickness setting we have missed. The two machines are...
  13. GS15 Plus Y-axis jamming

    Several years ago I had exactly the same problem as you, I followed the same advice Fred is giving you here and it worked a treat, nowadays I always keep my chrome shafts lightly lubed and oil the hole Fred mentions every six months. The GS15 is a great cutter used with an edge. Take Freds...
  14. Edge 2 Keypad Fix

    Thaks for sharing this information regards Tel
  15. Trying to make my Edge, computer and Flexi communicate...

    I see you have it working on flexi I use and prefer Composer for the edge The Edge LE and GS15plus cutter are a great combination I use the same equipment that you have bought and think you have got a great deal, keep the head clean using only the offical gerber cleaning pads as other brands...
  16. Wrap a RC Truck

    Here is a link to a flight which we did to raise funds for the Lifebaots http://vimeo.com/26028440 enjoy regards Tel PS I am the fat B'stad in the red T shirt with the flag but have lost about 100 pound since then
  17. Wrap a RC Truck

    I am 63 years of age next month and have been modelling for as long as I can remember. From free flight gliders to i/c powered RC planes cars boats and helicopters also yachts and all I have enjoyed immensly. We once flew a RC plane from Ireland to the Isle of Islay in Scotland the pilots in a...
  18. Gerber GS15 Plus plotter problem

    The slow button on the GS15 is in the middle of the arrows for positioning the bomb sight, this only works for postioning, when you press it it wiill beep either once or twice, one represents slow speed and two beeps represent fast speed, but this is only used for lining up the bomb sight it...
  19. Gerber GS15 Plus plotter problem

    Take Freds advice get 3 in 1 oil on the rails WD40 will dry up it is not an oil. WD stands for water dispersant and it was the 40th formula. I do exactly what Fred says every 6 months and have no problems with my GS15 or the 2 supersprints we still have. I learnt this also from Fred so a Big...
  20. Gliding....

    Maybe this is easy to say but get on with enjoying your own kids have fun, I am coming 63 and my view on this is if your father can't be bothered well let him go on his own way don't let it affect your life. You get one chance at this life and you might as well be happy as sad because it's all...