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Search results

  1. Circles not closing - problem resolved

    Thanks for sharing that with us,:thankyou:
  2. Two sided window decals

    I do them the same way you described basically but sometimes because of the colours we use white in the middle, sometimes you will get away with double printing the white, a good trick is to print silver between the two white coats, yours worked well because of the blue. It's all in the colours...
  3. running a black foil with an awful smell to it

    I use zero nine foils a lot of the time and have certainly used black and I have never noticed any smell. Zeronine refills do have a white plastic core but so do signfoils which I use as well, I was told once that they were made in the same factory anyway but I never had this confirmed but...
  4. VJ 1204 (cymk) not original

    This is both the problem and how we fixed it in case it's of use to anyone else. We have a VJ 1204 and use a bulk ink system normally works well but I must admit I hate the chip system, anyway I digress back to the problem, we were getting the error (cymk) not original and sometimes just (k) not...
  5. 1604 banding problem

    I don't know if it's the same but on our 1204 it used to make a thump and when I took the top cover off and ran the machine the belt that carries the cable and ink lines was slightly twisted and going down with a thump I twisted the belt and got it almost straight and the problem was solved no...
  6. Gerber HS15 plus

    Now that's a great tip as I fly radio control Helicopters and Planes and deal with lots of hobby shops and never thought of trying that avenue. When we only had one supersprint I remember replacing a gear and thought it was expensive. We were in fact able to buy a second hand machine of ebay for...
  7. Gerber HS15 plus

    I have 2 supersprints and a GS 15 plus and yes the theta belts are certainly different the motors are different and the shafts are different thicknesses, I also have a supersprint for spares and nothing I have needed from it has fitted the GS15 plus yet although I have not used a gear, I would...
  8. Help w vinyl cutting

    I honestly think the problem hear is operator errors, no offence meant but do you understand the difference between a vector and Bitmap images, if your cutter as you say appears to be looking for registration marks that's because it's being told there is a print on the vinyl with registration...
  9. Gerber HS15 plus

    If your looking to buy used parts for the HS15 be careful, make sure it's from a HS15 plus and not from super sprints although the cutter part of a sprint may look similar they are not belts etc are all different, the parts from a GS15 may be compatable as I believe the only difference between...
  10. Mutoh Maintenance Manual

    I would love to have the service manual for a Mutoh 1204 and a 1604 if possible as I have both but very little information on them please email me on terence4@btinternet.com if you can help Best regards Tel
  11. Applying window perf

    Thanks will get some Best Regards Tel
  12. Applying window perf

    I take it "perf" is what we call "contra vision" this side of the pond, we always install dry, I would like to know what laminate you use as we just use what we have but find it a bit fuzzy, one of our guys was on vacation in Vegas and he says the contra vision(perf) on the buses on the strip...
  13. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    In conjuction with setting up the stickers as Fred described and the calibration etc advised by Tony I am now satisfied with the cut I am getting on these small stickers, I have had to do a few sets for customers this week and they have been delighted with their stickers, I can however still see...
  14. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    Thanks Tony will do Best regards Tel
  15. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    Oh I see I might be looking at the wrong machine the problem may be in the edge. I will give that a good look at, although I was doing a run of stickers this morning and was really satisfied with them although they were at least double the size of the ones I had problems with and were not...
  16. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    Thanks Tony I have recalibrated and it is certainly better except that if you can imagine the cut across the carriage goes like a bow, on these small circular stickers the first in the row is perfect the last one now which is the tenth is almost perfect but in between it drifts slightly to the...
  17. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    At home now, but I remember know how to do the calibration, I select calibrate in Device select and put my information from the calibration test in there. Sorry to say this petepaz but I'm in Northern Ireland and as far as these older gerber plotters go I have no faith in any of techs here they...
  18. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    Just ran the Calibrate.plt test, the lines that line up for me are at the top line 5 and at the bottom it is J. I am not sure where I punch this info in, or is that telling me something about the belt, I will have to get the covers off and check the belt again I assume Regards Tel
  19. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    Thanks Tony I'll try that Regards Tel
  20. GS 15 plus alignment problem

    Thanks for the advice Tony and Fred. The sprockets are good no stretching of vinyl holes. I reguarly oil and clean the cutter I learned that from you a long time ago Fred, I will try all your advice and let you know how I get on. I do use choke and spread and bleed but I have never set up the...