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  1. T

    Hi Heyskull We have been trying things out and have discovered that if we start a print then...

    Hi Heyskull We have been trying things out and have discovered that if we start a print then take the cards out we can print all day we just obviously have to manually watch the ink levels. When switching the machine off the procedure is leave the cards out and do NOT put them back in until the...
  2. Soaking the head

    If the fluid is pooling in your capping station check the pipes below the station that go to the waste bottle, we have found the ink congealed in these pipes either clean or replace the pipes. you will have to remove the metal cover plate underneath the capping station, our advice is don't...
  3. Much cheaper blade holder. Anyone tried it?

    I have one like this I bought from ebay in the UK, looks exactly the same, very well made and works a treat, no complaints at all. It was about the same price as the one in the link. regards Tel
  4. Gerber Edge 2 Print Issue - Partial Head Drop?

    Thanks for the feedback regards Tel
  5. wtf? Are the heads gone again?

    I'm not sure I know what a falcon is but if it's the same sort of set up as the 1604 I agree that you should check the dampers captops and capping station, are the ink lines full no bubbles. another thing often missed is the waste ink pipes are they clear, sometimes they get blocked and a tell...
  6. Graphtec jx1060 need info about pinch rollers and drivers

    Just read this, I have used a jx1060 for the past 12 years, as a printer well I think you was being kind to it, in todays standards it wouldn't have a look in and at it's best was nothing but trouble. We had it from new and used to run it on a server originally, I have the user instruction...
  7. T

    Hi Have now done the card reset twice once on our 1604 and once on our 1204 and it worked...

    Hi Have now done the card reset twice once on our 1604 and once on our 1204 and it worked both times. the sun chemical inks are the best we have used in our opinion best colours best coverage and goes further and we pay £75 a litre for it though the boss is negotiating for a better deal...
  8. VJ 1614 steel belt snapped (also need manual please)

    Sorry can't help, first time I have heard of the steel belt breaking. Hope you get sorted regards Tel
  9. Help!! ASAP Help!!

    An easier way is to just hold an A4 sheet of paper under the cutting blade and sensor and slide it across with it as you do the load always use roll2 for this not roll1 as it will roll back out of the cutter while the A4 sheet is there. This works great for me on an old CE1000-60 and hybrid...
  10. GS15 Slow Key

    I have great interest in your thread but can't be of any help sorry! I think the lack of posts is because the GS15 is such a reliable workhorse that probably no one here as an answer to your problem, it certainly seems that your having some success with the joints. Hope you get it sorted...
  11. Mutoh 1304 Issues

    Not really what you wish to hear but when we had inks mixing like you describe on a 1204 it was the manifold in the head, the plastic/composite type material that the dampers fit into apparently with lots of use it cracks and the inks can cross contaminate, unfortunatley the fix was a new head...
  12. 1614 Firmware Update

    I agree with what you say heyskull and would be really interested to know how to reset the cards to 100% regards Tel also in UK
  13. Adobe Illustrator to Omega?

    It's as simple as that just import instead of open. regards Tel P.S. It's not dumb at all, it's only easy if you know the answer
  14. Original Gerber Edge and 750 Cutter

    What a fantastic deal you got, I use an LE exactly the same as yours coupled to a Gerber GS15+ and they work great together. I use Omega software though, and the combination is a fantastic workhorse plodding on day after day, it does not surprise me that yours worked after sitting for so long...
  15. Gerber GS 15 value?

    I have to second that it's the best advice you will get regards Tel
  16. Gerber plotter problem

    If you haven't lubed the back bar of the plotter I would do so as this can certainly stop the cutting I have experienced it, take the top off the blade holder/pressure setting part on the carriage and put a drop of machine oil either side of the bushes also there is a hole in the bush put a drop...
  17. Someone please explain gerber edge printers

    I just love our edge coupled with the GS15 plotter.
  18. Graphtec Position X Alarm

    When you put the vinyl in and line it up use roll1 and it will roll the vinyl back and set the knife at the origin point. Roll2 will leave the vinyl where it is and set the knife up on the origin point. Sheet I avoid I think it is supposed to roll out the vinyl so you know the length but if your...
  19. Cutting issues with GS15+

    my advice is clean and lube as well.
  20. Bit for aluminum composite

    Single flute everytime must be sharp and I always use conventional direction not climb mill. No coolant. Regards Tel