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Search results

  1. Lighted Pan Face Help, Please

    Double Pass does NOT work. We have been struggling with transparent media for months, can't seem to get it right. If you do go that way you might need to do both a 1st and 2nd surface print in order for it to not look like crap at night but still look good during the day. When you do a double...
  2. Uh, wtf is going on here?

    no dice, it does it as I type, doesn't even let me get an A. The bottom is converted to outlines, the one with the outline is... outlined
  3. Lighted Pan Face Help, Please

    Faces, out of Tennessee or Alabama is who we use for our pan faces. A lot of the time we will just get a border embossed in it and put the translucent (depending on color, not series) on 1st surface and call it a day. If it is like the photo posted before where the letters are embossed then we...
  4. Uh, wtf is going on here?

    I'm having issues with flexi, more specifically the Arial font. It just replaces uppercase a's with random stuff. it actually took the text block I was typing up and started using that for the A. It doesn't do it in any other program. I have no idea what is going on with it, any help or hints...
  5. DGI om-70 stretching, Calibration?

    After getting frustrated at the internet I dug even deeper into all of the Flexi production manager options and found a calibration.
  6. DGI om-70 stretching, Calibration?

    Hey all, we have a dgi om-70 plotter that we use for pretty much all of our cut vinyl in addition to running paper patterns through with a pen. Yesterday we did a 10' run and it stretched the pattern out an extra 2", We can't find the owners manual, and I can't find anything online about it, can...
  7. Initial Client Conversation...

    I never really ask for their budget. It usually goes " Hey how's it going, what can I help you with" then they usually say something along the lines of " I was lookin to get some stickers made up of this picture I got" but really I just ask what they want, how do they want it and then give them...
  8. Just Installed.

    http://precisionboard.com/sign-making/two-densities-one-sign/?utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=March+Blog+Round-Up This just came through my email a few days ago. Very nice looking sign.
  9. Framed aluminum with a curved profile to match the building

    Thank you, it is still in progress, going to get some fabbed aluminum letters and brushed faces, it's gonna be great
  10. Framed aluminum with a curved profile to match the building

    here is one we are working on now. I routed the top and bottom plates out of 080, the shop guys notched and bent either 1 or 1 1/2" angle aluminum and wrapped it around the edge of the plates, leaving a space for the skin.
  11. Stuff you've found while installing

    Ok so this wasn't me personally, but it was from our install guys
  12. Flex Face panels

    we've done a few, the most recent being last year in the summer. As others have said, there is a special mounting system that requires a larger trim bar than a normal cabinet, and it is a pita to stretch tight. We did transluscent vinyl for the yellow and then just regular black. We had to go...
  13. Backlit Acryllic panel sign, how?

    My guess is that they want it to look like the attached photo, It's not "my" customer so i'm not exactly sure what they wanted, I was just trying to help think of ways to do what was shown.
  14. Backlit Acryllic panel sign, how?

    these are brilliant, I will pass these on, thank you.
  15. Backlit Acryllic panel sign, how?

    I didn't even think about that. I wonder if there was a way to do it without getting into the framing.
  16. Backlit Acryllic panel sign, how?

    We have a customer that wants to get something like this, it looks like a piece of frosted acryllic with leds behind it, but looks could be deceiving. They want RGB leds with the controller to kind of fade colors like the rockola jukeboxes. We are thinking of all these different ways to do but...
  17. Farewell Big Squeegee

    I wouldn't say everyday but frequently yes. It was good, but I'm hoping the 56" wil work better for what we do. It was a ***** trying to laminate 54" prints with a 50" squeegee.
  18. The Man Cave project

    I was thinking about doing that tiling on my ceiling in my new house, this makes me want it even more. How hard was the install?
  19. Farewell Big Squeegee

    well, after what I assume is coming up on 9 years (date on sticker says 2006) it is time to say farewell to our 50" big squeegee. I just ordered a new 56" today. It probably should have been gone years ago, but I was never able to make that call until now.
  20. Banksy!!!

    After reading this thread I am starting to think Artbot is banksy