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Search results

  1. Versacamm printing crooked...scared to ask...

    skip down to page 65 or so for alignment patterns.
  2. Presidential debate...let's hear your thoughts

    so why not get government out of those enterprises and let the free market take over? Donny is a thieving con who doesn't pay his contractors, Hillary is your typical crooked politician. #belibertarianwithme
  3. Presidential debate...let's hear your thoughts

    Asking a Libertarian what foreign leader they look up to is like asking a vegan how they like their steak cooked.
  4. Presidential debate...let's hear your thoughts

    None of the Above? How about Johnson. It was really frustrating to not have my guy up there wipe his nose with both of them, but luckily it was still funny enough to watch donny get butthurt whenever Secretary Clinton got him with facts, or his own words, or by just being half-sane and respectful.
  5. Welding in Corel?

    didn't read any other posts. There is a virtual segment delete tool which you might find helpful.
  6. How to make this directory board

    We get that extrusion in 1 1/2" from Eastern Metal Supply, N.Glantz carries it as well. Instead of acm why not use 7328 acrylic so if they ever decide to light it they won't have to buy new faces? The customer will appreciate your forward thinking. You want a little bit of wiggle room for the...
  7. Lifespan of a shop mug

    that just doesn't sound healthy, you should add in a shot or two of :bushmill: on a daily basis to sterilize properly, and then give it a really deep clean on friday, maybe soak it over the weekend. I make one cup at 10 am every morning in my french press, but I leave the dirty press and cup...
  8. How was this effect achieved?

    Ah now I see, I think you're on the right track, definitely see the potential
  9. How was this effect achieved?

    Pics or it didn't happen!
  10. Re purposing old signs

    Flea Markets? Last time i went i saw a few old channel letters with the leds still in them.
  11. Mounting aluminum or polymetal to pvc or styrene

    you can make it have rounded corners and make it a pan. you just have to make the sides have flaps to the depth you want and then patch in the corners with strips with bends shallow enough to fit behind the tabs and bend to the contour of the corner. like this, where the red would be the scabs...
  12. 2 layer acrylic letters?

    I think its more like 1/8" mounted to 1/4", its just really zoomed in. "is the top layer translucent? if so, how did they bond the two together so you don't see the adhesive?" its kind of like a very slight tint to the top layer, but it also looks like there is a layer of that polished brass...
  13. 2 layer acrylic letters?

    I don't know if this is the right section for this, please move if it isn't, but I can't find these anywhere. It looks to be 2 layers of acrylic bonded together, and I thought they might be from Gemini, but I can't find them in the book at all, and google was not helping. Any ideas?
  14. Eyesore to Wallscape in 24 minutes

    So the wall was repaired, frame was built and painted, springs were installed and the banner hung in 24 minutes? impressive.
  15. cutting backs of decals for easy peeling

    why not just put a piece of tape on the front and back and peel the tape apart, it will bring the decal and paper with it?
  16. Credit to a company I do not know

    We just had a company that owed us over 10k go bankrupt, don't do it.
  17. Uh, wtf is going on here?

    Thats essentially what I did. I had to bring in an A from Corel and replace it.
  18. Uh, wtf is going on here?

    Which is why I did both, you can't be too figurative around here. The Define Character thing worked, took a little effort to find a way to bring in the correct letter to define though, Flexi wouldn't even import an eps with the letter.
  19. Uh, wtf is going on here?

    Its a corporate thing, whenever I do anything that doesn't have to follow corporate guidelines I never use aerial and try to stay away from Helvetica as well, but it never works
  20. Uh, wtf is going on here?

    I wish I could, Client spec'd it. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling later, about to lock it up for the day. When I say text block I meant artistic text, just hitting enter after each line.