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  1. C

    Comment by 'Chriswagner92' in media '20190606_015929'

    Have you tried messing with your optimizer at all?
  2. SP-540V Cutting tolerance

    You can try to fix it all you want, but those machines never cut accurately. I used one for 4 years and maybe got a handful of good cuts out of it. The best you could do it keep the encoder strip clean and run the decals in as small of a run as feasible.
  3. You trippin?

    It's poison. If someone can't handle the drugs they put into their own systems, that's on them, don't restrict others rights because of your own stupidity or lack of responsibility.
  4. You trippin?

    What do you think Alcohol is?
  5. You trippin?

    The government shouldn't regulate what consenting adults want to put in their bodies. Prohibition never works, legalize all the things. Look at Portugal and their drug laws.
  6. Streaking on HP Latex 365 Prints

    How is your maintenance cartridge doing?
  7. color changing vinyl for channel letter

    3m has a blue perforated film i believe
  8. Recommendation on film for motorcycle wrap

    1080 works just fine
  9. best sign related injury :)

    Orange handle Fiskars, haven't sharpened them in at least 5 years, still plenty sharp.
  10. best sign related injury :)

    Wednesday: I was staying a little late to finish up some last minute prints and had to open a new box of vinyl. I was opening it with a pair of open scissors like a box cutter because they were the first sharp thing I saw. While sliding the blade down the box they caught and closed on my right...
  11. shop truck insurance question

    Stay away from Geico like the plague. I use Progressive and Nationwide and haven't had any issues like I have with Geico
  12. Need Help My idiot friend plugged a drill in and now my Versacamm will not turn on

    Telling us what kind of printer it is would be a good place to start.
  13. What gives w window graphics inside?

    ask for for forgiveness, not permission
  14. Looking for best adhesive remover

    i have the Gold Solution waiting to be ordered to try out. Rapid Remover works great, and that's what we use 99% of the time, but I read the MSDS sheet and think we can get better stuff for our health's sake.
  15. Red Alumalite

    have you tried other suppliers? I just ordered a sheet of red max-metal through Grimco and had it in like a day. EDIT: i just saw "LITE", I assumed ACM
  16. Biggest dang lobby sign I've ever done

    Looks good. Those aren't countersunk screws are they, or are my eyes messing with me?
  17. Discussion How do you stay organized?

    I think that is the biggest hurdle we face at our place. Everyone here is oldschool and set on paper and pencil. It's hard to change peoples ways when whatever system in place is working well enough to not cause any big problems.
  18. Discussion How do you stay organized?

    I've tried Trello, maybe just not long enough... I find the Kanban style a little weird, but airtable has that as well. I find Airtable more intuitive, but i'll give Trello another shot.
  19. Discussion How do you stay organized?

    I use Airtable, it's free and does pretty much the same thing, like a database/calendar/spreadsheet. It's pretty cool. We're in the same boat of trying to get organized and improving all around this year.
  20. How to build a $1,000,000 Sign Shop

    or they just don't want that additional stress and want to maintain their sanity.