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Search results

  1. Roland SP-300V Contour Cut Issues

    Environment Match and Print/Cut Calibration? Our old Sp540V never cut great either, we've been running the HP Latex 335 and Summa cutter for almost a year now.
  2. Roland SP-300V Contour Cut Issues

    clean the encoder strip, calibrate the feed/scan, slow the cutting speed waaaayyyyy down.
  3. Shop layouts

    nice rx7, might need to move it to free up some floor space, it fills up fast.

    GAP Coverage saved my ass more than once, although the last time I had to use it, they sold it to us as "not having to pay anything above and beyond", which come to find out was a total lie. I ended up having to pay an extra grand.
  5. Need 5' X 10' vinyl

    I was not aware of that limitation, thanks for the heads up.
  6. 751c with latex

    I use a lot of 2903, Grimco's cheap briteline stuff is good too but i'm sure there is cheaper
  7. Need 5' X 10' vinyl

    Have you tried Signs365?
  8. HP Latex Cutter/Flexi 12 - not finishing cut

    i've had something like that happen before, IIRC I think it had to do with my paneling setup in my plot/cut dialog, but i would expect it to move and make the finishing cuts in another place on the roll if that was the case.
  9. Need Help Roland SP540V issues with print - need advice

    Give it a deep clean. Clean/replace encoder strip, run the full spectrum of test prints and calibrations. You may have better results turning off bi-directional printing.
  10. Is there a good app for sign-makers workflow?

    I am starting to become a fan of Airtable. Slack still sucks, but airtable does what i need to for both inventory and tasks and whatnot.
  11. Need Help Coroplast 3 panel hinging technique

    Can you go to Home Depot or Lowes?
  12. What is your workflow

    I'm looking at the hp 315. We don't really do any wraps, so we don't need a 64" printer... and i just got a 54" RS laminator.
  13. What is your workflow

    Good Morning sign people I was laminating some prints this morning, and had the thought "What if i only print on Mondays and Tuesdays, laminate and cut on wednesday, and keep Thursday and Friday open for installs." Right now I print as much as i can on a media and switch it if i need to, so I...
  14. Question How to stop Vinyl losing position during rapid move of print and cut Roland SP540V

    I also use the sp540v and it has always been terrible at cutting. Replacing the plastic blade holder with an aluminum one helped a little, but it is still not a good plotter. I'm looking at upgrading to a 315 and d-140
  15. Printing on Translucent for backlit outdoor led illuminated signs

    IMG_4002 by Chriswagner92 posted Dec 22, 2017 at 9:53 AM IMG_3999 by Chriswagner92 posted Dec 22, 2017 at 9:53 AM The photo of the sign on the angle is just a single pass on translucent white vinyl. The one straight on has a single pass, mirror printed print applied sub-surface.
  16. IMG_3999


    Print on Translucent only
  17. IMG_4002


    Print on translucent with clear print sub-surface
  18. Printing on Translucent for backlit outdoor led illuminated signs

    *sp540v user here* First, if you "double-strike" your print will be MUCH darker than it should, and usually doesn't work well. If i can't get good enough saturation through Versaworks, I print a single pass on clear vinyl, no laminate. Apply that, and then apply a laminated print on translucent...
  19. Simple Sign Critique - too simple?

    My first thought was "Crayon?"
  20. Having trouble getting a nice double strike print.

    If you don't mind using a lot of material you could layer the print. Print a single pass on clear, then another print on translucent over that will give you the solid print of a white vinyl, and doesn't get too washed out when lit either.