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Search results

  1. A better profile?

    The i1 "photo" version you linked does not properly support your print system. Your buddy has what would be categorized as an RGB printer. That "photo" version fits him, not you. You have what is categorized a CMYK printer. IN this context this label doesn't refer to the physical inks in your...
  2. A better profile?

    The best profile is the one you make for yourself. Everything else is an inferior substitute.
  3. Onyx vs. Caldera

    just add the 1" in a "workflow". This gives you the option to have a workflow for a specific setup that has the 1" and maybe one that has none or another value. With Onyx you'd have to change the printer setup then remember to change it back if you wanted to alter it. We made the shift from...
  4. Color Profiling

    Eye1, ProfileMaker Pro, Caldera Don't bother with the monitors but make damn sure the output is tight.
  5. How do 3rd party inks ruin your printer?

    Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. The timeless technique used by printer manufacturers and OEM ink dealers to strike fear into you to keep you towing the OEM ink line. If you buy reputable ink, from a well established and proven company the benefits are overwhelming. My JV3 has never seen the OEM...
  6. Grainy Prints, K Dots in colors

    I know this doesn't specifically step you through Rasterlink. But it might help with knowing what to look for.... http://www.signs101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84851
  7. Creating Profiles in Onyx 10.1

    I know this is really out there, but maybe this is the source of your graininess?
  8. Looking for somebody familiar with profiling using Onyx

    My guess is you don't have a software problem, you have a measurement problem. You can try putting white paper behind the fabric when measuring, but fundamentally the light from the spectro is bouncing all over the place and getting lost instead of going back into the tiny aperature to be read...
  9. Looking for somebody familiar with profiling using Onyx

    It could be the texture/weave of the fabric not measuring well. I've done tight weave fabrics with good to acceptable results and some more open weave, t-shirt style fabrics with completely unusable results. Any way you can get your hands on a spectro with a bigger aperture?
  10. too much Yellow in greys.

    if the i1 was bad, it wouldn't just be the Y with funky readings. BTW, if I remember right, a DTP 70 is a densitometer and not nearly as sensitive as the i1.
  11. too much Yellow in greys.

    something is causing the measurements to be inconsistent. Most likely is something physical on the printer. IOW, the Y isn't printing well.
  12. too much Yellow in greys.

    steps = bad linearization I bet if you printed gradients of various transitions through the linearized media model (without the icc) you'd see some nasty color banding instead of smooth transitions. If so, it's messing with the measurements in the icc. Fundamentally, you have to have smooth...
  13. Creating ICC Profiles

    Things you'll need.... 1. spectophotometer. The eyeone is very popular and a great value. BTW, densitometers and colorimeters don't do everything you need then to do given what you've asked for. 2. Either the ability within your RIP or software outside the RIP to make the ICC profile. No RIP...
  14. Onyx Media Profile Problem

    the only way to "properly" profile it is with the polarizing filter (not avialable for the eyeone).
  15. Onyx Media Profile Problem

    glossy canvas is your problem. Move to a matte and you'll do MUCH better. Either that or use an instrument with a polarizing filter on it. What's happening is the light from the spectro is bouncing around the gloss texture of the canvas and scrambling the measurements. Easiest solution is go...
  16. Profile Problem

    What do you mean it doesn't have the printer license? Are you building the ICC within onyx or in the eyeone software? Are you making an ICC at all, or just getting as far as the linearization (as Mspec alludes)?
  17. Graininess in my images

  18. OSX RIP Software

  19. Color Profiles

    Your screen cap is a control for light ink to dark ink in cyan. This is a control applied before, during, or right after linearization. Controlling K as I mention in #2 is done within the controls for the ICC its self. It will usually be shared with controls for Total Ink (0-400), GCR, UCR...
  20. Caldera RIP
