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Search results

  1. Color Consistency / Digital Printroom Environment

    We have a corner suite on a thick concrete walled building. On the west facing wall there is as roll up garage door. In the summer we can get a 10+ degree shift when the sun hits that door. It becomes a giant heat radiator. By 2-3 pm the whole wall is hot and the AC runs non-stop. We've gone to...
  2. Horrible Color Printing??? Sp300V

  3. Horrible Color Printing??? Sp300V

    +1000 If the consultant is worth their weight in hairballs, they'll be able to diagnose your grain problem in minutes. There is a lot of discussion of possible things here, some matter, some don't. It could be as simple as you don't know the limitations of your printer. Maybe the expectation...
  4. Q: Excel & Quickbook not cutting it? ~~~ A: FileMaker Pro!

    I LOVE filemaker. I do all job tracking and quoting on it. Because I'm not very good at it, I lost track of the hundreds of hours I've put into it. But it does exactly what I need, no more, no less. I can do 99% of quotes in about 30 seconds, email it out as a simple text file that my mobile...
  5. Any Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Share Gurus out there?

    You seem to have a good grasp of the use of the tool. It's totally understandable that it gets confusing in the execution. Consider the simple conversions that need to take place. A normal workflow converts from working space (RGB, CMYK, or Pantone) -> printer profile. As you have your screen...
  6. Valspar acrylic "blackboard" paint - WILL VINYL STICK?

    I just did a couple of A frame sandwich boards with chalkboard areas along side digitally printed areas. I cut contoured the vinyl then painted and applied it. Seemed to work easily. The vinyl was general formulations 222, 6mil perm ABV.
  7. Any Gretag Macbeth Eye-One Share Gurus out there?

    post the question and we'll go from there
  8. HP Designjet 130r

    You've got the wrong tool for what you're looking to do. That printer is a "pro-sumer" photo printer. There is not a laminate on the planet that will make it work well outdoors for anything that has to last. I'd wager you'd have a hard time finding adhesive back vinyl in a width that would fit...
  9. Confused About Color Management

    If you chose, you could do your ink restrictions as you do them for max gamut, then focus the grey balance efforts on the 3/4 tones and lighter. This way you max gamut and have close to proper grey balance before the ICC. I also find that if you max C and M restrictions then use the Y...
  10. Confused About Color Management

    Right again. I do this maybe once every 5 or 6 months or for very unique situations. Deviating from the normal icc workflow, or any established workflow is likely to go wrong just because it isn't what you do day to day. Again, in no way is this a suggested method when color accuracy is...
  11. Confused About Color Management

    As does Rooster
  12. Confused About Color Management

    You're absolutely right. The difference is printing w/o the icc as opposed to printing properly color managed US Web Coated SWOP (or sheet fed for that matter) means the literal CMYK numbers will max out the saturation based on those ink limits/restrictions you set when you make your profile...
  13. hp 9000 does not power up

    we used to have a die cutter next door. The lights would visibly flicker at times the electricity was so dirty. It's gotten better, but never to be trusted.
  14. Confused About Color Management

    There can be two different goals when printing, color accuracy OR color vibrancy. If the goal is accuracy, you use a conventional color managed workflow of respecting and using embedded profiles or assuming common working space profiles like sRGB and US Web Coated SWOP. If the goal becomes...
  15. hp 9000 does not power up

    The good news for me is it was just the line conditioner/battery backup that filed along with the power cord its self. Changed cords and plug straight into the wall (oh my!) and I'm back up. Gotta love the easy ones when you get them.
  16. 3m is offering wraps to endusers

    Helllooooo Avery.
  17. Where to Begin? Color issues....

    This seems to me to be something in how Onyx's color engine converts the blues. Making your own profiles will help to a large degree. Once you have your custom profile made, you can use it in your desktop apps to apply the print profile there for better blue rendering. Just be aware to not ALSO...
  18. Profile Issue?

    yes, profile issue. Welcome to the challenges of working with "canned" profiles. Solutions are.... 1. tweak the file until it works 2. experiment with different profiles to see what works best (but expect to still tweak the file) 3. have a consultant make a custom profile 4. invest in the...
  19. Profile Problem/Question?

    i1 one is a spectrophotometer, it reads values at many points across the color spectrum for each individual measurement. This spectral reading is expressed into a LAB value by the profiling software to give a reference for converting color from one step in your workflow to another. In your case...
  20. hp 9000 does not power up

    Did my maintenance today then sent a print and turned my back on the printer. When I came back a few minutes later to see why it wasn't printing the power was off completely. I turned it all off and back on and checked that power is getting to the plug. No life at all. Any suggestions?