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HP 360
Myron...You really don't like your Latex do you? I would like to propose some ideas that would probably keep you from having to "Babysit all your jobs" :)
First, you might consider buying your paper and vinyl from the BigFish...He resells Latex printers, so I bet his media works just...
Bingo 2CT...Lord knows it's different strokes for different folks. :)
Visualeyez has and will profit nicely with Latex 110..
Folks like you and I know the Latex 360/365 would increase Visual's margin...but his downstroke is twice the investment and will take longer to recover
NO...really its not OK...the prospect has an $8K budget and the Latex 110 fits right in! :)
If things go well, the enduser could trade up to a Latex 360;or, better yet, a Latex 560 in 6 months or less.
2CT...HP Latex 110 for $7K is a steal. If Visualeyez has printed 2,000ml ink the past month then I believe he has probably recovered his $7K investment. Pretty fair I would say...to pay for your printer in one month. :)
Esko vs Zund
While Esko and Zund compete for whichone's the best...???
Did you get a chance to checkout MCT Digital (mctdigital.com)...They build a workhorse to compete with Esko and Zund; but, market it for considerably less dollars. I know folks using them are quite satisfied.
It has been our experience that the HP Latex 300 and 500 series printers have less warranty issues than ANY mild solvent printer. Proximity of tech service will be least of your concerns.
Now's the time to purchase HP FB550 or HP FB750 UV Flatbed Printer!
Purchase either FB550 (64") UV printer or FB750(98") UV printer before Sep 16, 2016 and receive FREE HP Latex 360, 64" wide, 6 color latex ink printer!
Good printing!
If you want to print white ink, buy UV printer; if NO white, best choices are:
1 - HP Latex 110, 310, 330, or 360 with stand alone Graphtec or Summa cutter
2 - Mimaki CJV300 or CJV150, 54" or 64" Print & Cut
3 - Roland Print & Cut
Good Printing
By my calculation, $160 Canadian equals $115.95 US. That makes your ink cost about 15 cents a square foot (100% saturation, all colors). That's pretty good price?
I see same ink at various internet locations priced as low as $117 and as high as $146. I believe average price in US is probably...
L310 Color Problems?
What RIP? SAI? If so, SAI is RIP only with no real color mgt. Might consider upgrade to SAI PRO or purchase Onyx or Caldera!
401Grahics: If you delay purchase, delay just long enough to save an additional $5K to purchase L360 instead! :)
Either way, you will love your...
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