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Search results

  1. Operations/Procurement/Sales/Account Management

    Hello, Was let go from my company due to restructuring/new ownership. I have approx. 2.5 years experience in Operations/Procurement/Sales/Account Management/Production/Installation, and am a quick study on just about any task required. I'd love to stay in the signage industry. I am...
  2. Optimount Ultra from Neschen

    Shew, this stuff is expensive. Customer is specing an interior graphic. Looking for some alternatives, and/or someone to sell it to us by the yard. Would only use about 30' while using a 51" roll. Anyone have any options?
  3. Rollstock Mylar for Stencils

    Anyone have a source? Looking for a durable stencil, most likely 10 mil or 14 mil.
  4. Magnetic Easel Signs

    Have a customer who, for some reason, likes magnetic easel signs - this is the third set we made for her over the years. Unfortunately, the last set we made, using 0.020" steel on 1/4" sintra was too heavy for the easels. Any ideas to lighten the load? We're looking at using a 24" wide steel...
  5. "The Customer is Always Right"

    We have an existing customer who had some graphics done by another graphic artist, and they wanted to stick with the theme that is already up in their store. Our GA came up with the version on the left, based on what is there. After customer came in and "revised" pretty much everything, the...
  6. Aluminum Projecting Sign Bracket

    Esssentially, we are looking for a 8" long, half-round, contemporary/modern themed aluminum bracket. The arch of the half-round would have a slot in the middle along the arch to accommodate a 1/4" piece of acrylic, and some kind of set screws to set the acrylic in the arch. Looking for stuff...
  7. "Half-Hook" Bracket

    Anyone know where to get one of these, without having it custom fabbed? Looking to hook over a 2" Pole. Not sure what it's called, so searching for it has been... interesting. PS - the bolt underneath should be throughbolted through both sides of the hook - looks like this one was cut.
  8. Aluminum Extrusions?

    Looking for 2 types, similar to what I drew below. Planning on fabricating a slat directory. Anyone know where I can get these, specifically? MM's?
  9. Since No One Else is Saying Anything...

    RAVENS. BLEED PURPLE. Storybook ending to a great career, no better way than the RAY-VENS way!
  10. Design before Contract

    So have a customer looking to have us "design/manufacture/install" a V-sided post and panel for them - seems like they sent out multiple bid letters to multiple companies, and award of the contract is contingent on us supplying a design before a payment. Just a quick poll - does your company...
  11. Exterior LED Fixture, Custom Length

    Looking for a good supplier of an exterior LED light bar. Must be self-contained and rigid enough to float on spacers, keeping it off of a roof and allowing for water to pass underneath. Looking for very low profile if possible, waterproof, and 55" long. We're lighting some pin letters from...
  12. NFPA 101, Section 7

    Anyone have a copy of the info in this section?
  13. Trade Show Displays - direct to sign industry???

    anyone got a few leads for companies that would give us a good rate on a pop-up, framed system (not retractables)?
  14. Cool Stuff to do with Lam

    Well, another thread got me thinking... might as well share some knowledge. 1. Print on optically clear, then apply to metallic RTA. Gives a metallic sheen to translucent ink, can still see patterned vinyl underneath. Very cool effect. Laminate with top layer of lam if needed. 2...
  15. Future of Backlit?

    Remains to be seen.... guess we'll find out sometime next year when they might release pricing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20553143
  16. Edge Polishing Komacel (or like)

    We had a customer spec that they need PVC for several 6' tall panels as part of a sign package - problem is, they also specced polished edges. Would be using 1/2" Komacel if we bid it to spec - does anyone know of a way to get smooth edges (like the factory edges on a 49" x 98" sheet") with...
  17. "The DJ Corner"

    Buddy of mine is a DJ, also is running a corner of his family's electronics store, and calling it "The DJ Corner". I've ran thru like 15 rough designs for the logo, but none of them are really working, unfortunately we're deisgning around an existing sign which happens to be 4' x 4'. Mine...
  18. The Flying Avocado

    This was a fun job - first time we've done mixed media work with multiple layers. 3 layers deep, 1st is only an oval, 2nd is the inner oval, and third is the avocado and the banner. Put additional support under the banner and avocado. We used gloss vinyl with lam for the graphics, joined the...
  19. Outgassing Walls

    Question is regarding paint. How long should paint (of different varieties) outgas before applying cast vinyl to it? I know the answers are on here somewhere, but thats a lot of posts to look through. Initial proposal is for cast on type 5 drywall, paint undetermined - are there...
  20. 3M Merger with Avery blocked... temporarily at least

    Yea.... Just when you thought it couldnt get any worse: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390444273704577633710273282618.html?mod=googlenews_wsj 10 - 1 Odds say vinyl is included in this transaction...