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Search results

  1. Carved/Painted Corian

    Just pretty, is all.
  2. Looking for a vendor - Acrylic LED letters

    Looking for someone who can duplicate the process shown. Stroke too small on letters for fab metal, but needs to be illuminated. Looks like the method uses 1" acrylic, routed down 1/4" depth, with LED diodes wired in sequence, then filled in resin Specs: 1" thick white acrylic LED light...
  3. Discussion How to take that "next leap"?

    I've been in the trade for about 10 years, and am currently employed by a good company, with a very good customer base and "take" in our area, and good prospects for me down the line. We're looking to expand our business, and I want to design and run various marketing programs in order to make...
  4. Biggest dang lobby sign I've ever done

    SO had a customer wanting to cover up the previous tenant's sign... which happened to be waterjet cut granite letters inset into more granite, on an inset wall ~51" x 160". Customer didnt want to lose the granite, and wanted to show it as a "frame" around a sign hung onto the granite. Couldn't...
  5. Need Help Looking for 6' x 12' aluminum sheet.

    Looking for 6' x 12' aluminum sheet, either 0.040" or 0.063" thickness. I think I've called everyone in FL, we'd accept motor freight if someone actually has it. Story goes - customer needed a 68" diameter circle, and asked for it 2 months ago. We actually DID find a supplier for it, had it...
  6. Thermal Expansion on Glass

    So, customer wants perf on the outside, (already installed) and now wants greyback on the inside, for a step and repeat style wall. I remembered that black vinyl on glass can be bad - wondering if 1. anyone has actually ever seen thermal expansion from vinyl cause a break or crack 2. if this...
  7. RGB LED Channel Letters

    Certain areas have perf over the face, to display color in the daytime. Hanley RGB LEDs with controller and amplifier. Remote mount w/capsule.
  8. Need Help Hanley RBG-2072 LEDs

    Looking for someone that might have about 12 modules for this product - customer wants one letter to light up more than the others, so planning on slapping in some more modules. We're trying to avoid buying a full box from Grimco. Anyone have some lying around gathering dust? We would be...
  9. 500th Post

    Only took 7 years but here it is!:cool:
  10. News Signs in Paradise

    Seems signs are more likely to survive a fire than buildings. https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/13/us/paradise-california-before-after-photos-trnd/index.html
  11. Digging a hole in a parking lot

    Customer has a slab parking lot, and new pole sign is going in. We need a 36" x 36" hole cut through the slab, which customer will handle (supposedly). How best to dig the following hole?
  12. Just In 10' Monument - New Project

    Just went up on Wednesday - 10' tall, 10' wide, with 76" circle. Pushthrough acrylic letters and logo, brushed aluminum face for blockout. Had to reduce the size of "apartment homes" to get it past our town's draconian permitting laws... at least to pass inspection.
  13. Font Help - FCAR

    What the Font was What the Failing... again.
  14. Movable Wooden Wheeled Sign

    Customer is looking for a movable wooden sign. It should accommodate a 36" tall x 48" wide panel, OR 2x 36" tall x 48" wide panels in a V-configuration. Any ideas for structure? This is a rough drawing I did for what I think will work, but seeing if someone has a prettier option.
  15. Screenprinted logo

    Have a bid project for a local city. Part of the project is a "silkscreen City Seal" attached to a 1/4" aluminum plate. The drawings spec a beveled edge on that plate. I'm not a screenprinter - but I don't think you can screen onto a bevel. I think the best way would be to powdercoat the...
  16. Need Help Probably a stupid question.....

    Can ACM be powder coated, or will the curing oven melt the core?
  17. Wazer

    Waterjet Cutter for under 5 grand? Yes, please. https://hackaday.com/2016/09/12/wazer-the-waterjet-for-your-garage/
  18. Font Help Font Help Please!

    Looking for this font - S is throwing me off.
  19. A little Maritime History

    So was on a weather site this AM - saw an old news article about the Lady Maryland, and it inspired me to write a little bit of history down. At the time, didn't realize it was an old news article.... but it all worked out. Hidden History: I used to work for Living Classrooms Foundation -...
  20. Looking for 18" x 24" Steel Sign Blanks/MAG Receptive

    Looking for 18" x 24" Steel Sign Blanks/MAG Receptive Threads on here are 2+ years old and a lot can change in 2 years - Anyone know of a place that sells them near Florida? Also - need to be mag receptive. Doesn't need to be painted. Have tried Grimco, Tubelite, EMS, and a couple local guys.