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Search results

  1. Need advice on routing wood...

    Hey, guys, I need some advice on routing some wood... Very old oak, to be precise. I got a couple of pieces of wood that they cut down, and planed to thickness, and they told me that it is very hard... I'll be cutting a bevel into the material using a 120 degree bevel bit, and I have a couple...
  2. What to do with DWG and DXF...

    Hey, guys. I have a logo from a customer that they supplied, and they can only send it in DWG and DXF formats. The problem that I'm running into is when I bring it into corel, the lines are segmented... Is there any way around this other than redrawing the thing?
  3. Any merchant members here that screen can koozies?

    I'm looking to get some koozies screened for a friend of my wifes. I'm looking for 150 & 200 purple koozies with white imprint on one side. thanks in advance, Mark
  4. Please keep my family in your prayers.

    My dad called me yesterday afternoon and told me that my brother passed. He had been diagnosed with lung cancer, and was going through radiation and chemo. When I talked to him a couple of weeks ago, Pat was telling me that he was tired, but the cancer cells were shrinking, and the doctors...
  5. anyone using Alien Skin Blow Up?

    I have been doing some research on improving the resolution of some images, and came across the Alien Skin stuff... I don't use photoshop, so there really is no need for me to purchase a plug in, so I was wondering if there is anyone that uses Blow Up that could try to increase the resolution...
  6. Squeegees - what kind do you use?

    Hey guys. What squeegees do you guys use? And no, this isn't a nube question... I have tried most of them, and several years ago, I got a couple of the 3M golds, and they work really well, but I got hold of some from LG (they are marked with HI-CAL on them), and they are my favorite. A...
  7. Sandblast Mask on a Summa D60?

    Hey guys. I have a couple of questions for those that cut sandblast mask... I need to cut some blast material, and I tried to cut it, but it's not working out too good. If I turn the pressure up to where it will cut through the mask, it distorts the copy. I'm using a Summa D-60, with a 65...
  8. OK, Got a weird one here.

    I was given this image by a customer who wants to use it on some windows, and other things around his shop. Of couse the image is too low resolution to use, so here is the $64 question... Anyone know where to get it? I asked the customer, and of couse he doesn't know where it came from (he...
  9. United States, Maryland - Ridgely

    Signs 101 Network RegistryIn what country are you located? United States In what state or province are you located? Maryland In what city or town are you located? Ridgely What large city is nearest you? Easton / Baltimore Check all items that apply to your listingInstallations (Basic, no...
  10. What's the best mirror gold vinyl for outdoor use?

    Hey, guys. I am looking for the best mirror gold vinyl that I can use outdoor on a painted MDO sign. I did a quick look through the Fellers Catalog, and there were a couple that were listed as having some that was good for a year or two. Is there a mirror Sign Gold that I can get...
  11. Script font - Harry's

    Anyone know this one? The customer says that it was a font, the designer said it was hand drawn, and I'm pulling my hair out over this one. I went through all my fonts, looking at "H"'s and now everything is blurry...Man I need a :bushmill:
  12. What material to use for dimensional sign? ie Mirror Gold

    Hey, guys. I have a customer that is requesting a sign that will have Mirror Gold letters mounted on a backer material. I am trying to match something that he had been told that could be done, an he is leading me to belive that he is wanting letters that are routed out of a sheet good, and...
  13. OPOS for summa.

    Hey guys, I'm lost. I have a D60 with OPOS, and I can't seem to figure out how to get the driver. I need the command to assign the points, but I can't seem to figure it out. I tried the disk, and summa's site, and I can download the winplot command, but not the opos. Any ideas on where to...
  14. Please help. Anyone know this font?

    Does anyone know the Hobbs Contracting font. My mind is drawing a blank. Thanks in advance, Mark
  15. Another newb bites the dust...gonna laugh at this one.

    I just went on ebay and did a search for Summa... and I came across an auction for a summa plotter... price is cheap so I thought I'd read it, and in the description it says: Very nice SUMMA 48" cutter plotter. Has actual cutting width of 32". This is a very nice pro cutter. Comes with program...
  16. Plotting order - need help

    Hey guys, I've got a problem that is starting to drive me nuts, and I hope someone has some insite... I'm using Corel 13, sending to a Summa D60 plotter through Summa Winplot. When I send the part of the file that I want to cut, (its all converted to curves, and combined), for some reason it...
  17. Fire Company font

    Hello, font guru's, I need to letter a couple of fire trucks, and I need to match this font as close as possible. To the best of my knowledge, it came from the factory already lettered. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance, Mark
  18. Anyone know this font?

    Does anyone know this font off hand? I'm looking and I see a bunch that are close, but not close enough. Thanks in advance, Mark
  19. Dotted line in Corel question.

    Is there any way, in Corel X-3 and Signtools 3 to create a vector dotted line from a shape? I have a shape with a curved top and bottom, and I want to create a uniform dotted border about 1/2" in from the edge (think of "stiches" sewn on a piece of material.) I know that you can select line...
  20. Anyone know where I can find a light shining in hands image?

    I have a customer that just requested an image for the background of his buisiness cards. He wants light shining into some open hands. He bought some cards from vista print and they had what he described as light shining into open hands. (...