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Search results

  1. U.S. patent office cancels Redskins trademark registration

    U.S. patent office cancels Redskins trademark registration, says name is disparaging
  2. Free High Resolution PNG Files

    Came across a site with a nice size library of free downloads of high resolution PNG images with transparent backgrounds. http://pngimg.com/ Enjoy.
  3. Lunch with T3

    Tim Aucoin and his lovely wife Wendy had a few hours to spare before departing on a cruise, so my wife Connie and I got together with them for lunch and conversation today. They're both wonderful folks and we had a great time. Together we were able to solve the most pressing problems of the...
  4. New Arlon Logo

    Read the Article It struck me as conveying a message that it doesn't stick very well.
  5. Will I live to see 90?

    Will I live to see 90? Here's something to think about. I recently changed to a new doctor. After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly well' for my age. (I am in my early eighties). Being a little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, "Do you...
  6. Murder on the Fifth Green

    The golfing foursome was short one player so they allowed the golf pro to add a replacement. As they played they began to introduce themselves and get acquainted. By the time they reached the fifth green, one of the regulars asked the new guy what he did for a living. "I'm a hit man", he...
  7. The Greatest Daughter

  8. Don't Forget To Set Your Clocks Ahead

    For those of you in areas that have Daylight Savings Time ... Spring Forward tonight.
  9. Looking for help with Linux server

    The site is experiencing some issues with our search engine and I am at a loss for the cron code or other approach to restart a needed piece of server software. If anyone familiar with this is available and willing, please send me a PM and I'll give you the details. Thanks.
  10. Win a 3D Printer

    Contest announcement just received.
  11. Some Musical Humor from 50 Years Ago

    Not the greatest quality but still a lot of fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oWZwCO0qrk
  12. Do you eat rye bread?

    Two old guys, one 80 and one 87, were sitting on a park bench one morning. The 87-year-old had just finished his morning jog and wasn't even short of breath. The 80-year-old was amazed at the guy's stamina and asked him what he did to have so much energy. The 87-year-old said, "Well, I eat...
  13. Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year Everybody!
  14. A request for help from a non-member

    I received a request for technical help from an individual whose registration here I declined earlier today. He is not a sign or graphics pro but he question seems worthy of some response here if you are able.
  15. New Video Tutorial Website

    Shutterstock.com has opened a new website named Skillfeed.com offering video tutorials by monthly subscription on various applications many here use everyday. A one week free trial is currently available. In addition to providing a venue that may be of interest for learning, Skillfeed also has...
  16. More Great Movie Music

    Ennio Morricone's three spaghetti western themes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpZjvbSC9_M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtblCZQXRsA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFa1-kciCb4
  17. Great Movie Music

    Life Saver Girls from the motion picture Mondo Cane (A World Gone to the Dogs) was done in march time. A year later, Kai Winding had a #1 hit with it under its new name "More". Later lyrics were added and it was recorded by dozens of other artists. Enjoy both versions...
  18. The Door

    Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was? Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses. Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an...
  19. Life of Pi ... A Remarkable Film

    We watched the movie Life of Pi recently. What a remarkable piece of movie making! How they did it is still a mystery to me. How do you get a boy, a Bengal tiger, a zebra, an orangutan, a hyena and a rat all in a lifeboat and keep it looking real the entire time...
  20. Android security flaw uncovered

    The security of devices used in the office should be a top priority for business owners and managers. It is easy to think that a fully functioning device like a mobile phone is secure, and most of the time it is. The thing to be aware of however, is that there are always hackers looking for...